Chapter One

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Was I was about to heal the Guardian of Wings, Rainbow Dash dived down to the Golden Goat. She grappled it and held it in her mouth. She would wink to me and throw it off to Applejack, then Twilight caught it with her magic. The Guardian of Wings was healed and we left away from the temple. Rainbow Dash did amazing today, what I didn't expect of course. Well yeah, she's an amazing flyer, fighter but she's not.. that smart. Which is the only thing off with Rainbow. But otherwise she's top adventure.

Rainbow woke up in her bed and thought. Why couldn't dream become reality. Daring Do.. also known as A.K. Yearling. She's just so amazing, brave, good skills, smart, strong. What could possible go wrong with that? Well of course Daring Do enjoys her time alone when she's out in the world. Protecting them from ... whatever she's doing. And in that case, she doesn't want to get disturbed by some crazy fan pony. So the changes really low to hangout and become someone like Daring Do. Well. There's also still chances. But how high are they? Not high.

"Rainbow? What do you say? Any last goodbyes to.. Starsworld?" Twilight asked, bright eyed. "He's.. dying you know.."

"Oh.. yeah right", Rainbow replied and looks down.

"She was day dreaming at someone's funereal?!" Applejack shouts out. "What is this kind of joke, ya? This ain't funny' you'know that, for sure."

"Every pony. I might just as well go. I don't feel like this bothers me. And I'm really sorry for you Princess Celestia and Twilight.. so for you to Princess Luna. He was really something special to you unicorns. But meanwhile for me, I'm an Wonderbolt also an Pegasus. His magic doesn't really bother me. I don't have any.. uses for it. So I'm gonna head back home.. I'm really sorry for the loss once again, Unicorn Ponies in Equestria, so as well Alicorns."

Rainbow Dash trotted off. She sighed to herself when she walked out from the yard.

"That's so romantic. Whatever, Dash I need your help now", A.K Yearling said. "So shut up and just follow me will ya?"

"Alright.. but what are you doing here Yearling?" Rainbow Asked.

"I think I saw Caballerion in city. Of course I want to check it out. In cover, as A.K Yearling herself", she began. "So.. yeha. Anyway what makes you wear that ridiculous black dress?"

"I was at Starsworlds the Beary's funereal. Or used to be", Rainbow began. "As you.. maybe noticed also."

"Yeah. Whatsoever, things is done. Nothing you can do. He died off his age. Nothing new. Anyway. What's the plan? You know this village more than me. Show me, where's the.. eh whatever just show meme where  I live."

"Yeah. Sure, this way", Rainbow said and took out her wings.

"I never really thought I actually had those", Yearling said and took out her wings.

"Then it's good I'm regularly flying everyday", Rainbow said, smiling.

They flies off to Rainbow's house. They landed outside in the clouds and Yearling confined to follow Rainbow Dash. Opening her house, Yearling gasped.

"This is.. pretty difficult from what I've seen", she said.

"Thanks. I bet it's better then cracks and cold caves", Rainbow said. "Ain't it?"

"Right. It's good but I'd like the caves more. More dangerous and adventure", Yearling said.

"I didn't expect otherwise", Rainbow replied.

"You didn't? That's chocking me", Yearling said laughing.

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