What If...

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Seventeen-year-old Jack Kline has never been so lost. Losing his one friend Alec broke him. He thought he'd never be happy again; that is until he met Alec's older brother Zach. It all started on a normal night in the bunker. Jack and his girlfriend Katie were watching tv when Jack had to get something in his room. He caught a glimpse of his video games in his closet and became saddened about losing his friend Alec. Suddenly all this commotion was going on in the hallway. Jack peeks out with his emotions running high; He locks Katie's door to keep her safe. Jack steps out into the hallway, his eyes glowing red. Everything happened so fast, one minute Zach was holding the blade and the next it went into Zach, "I told you to back off!" Giana replied sharply. Alec exclaimed, "Zach!" He then rushed over and pulled the blade out. Jack then screamed just like he did when he met Sam and Dean then exclaimed, "ENOUGH!"

His scream knocked everyone to the floor and threw Giana back against the wall. Zach looks at Jack then at all the equipment in the training room which had fallen to the ground with a crash, "Uh oh." Zach replied and Jack added as he walked closer, "I'll fix it." Jack uses his powers and to pick them up put them back neatly. Zach crawls over to Giana holding his stomach, "Will she be ok?" Jack nodded, "Yes, she will be ok." Zach sighs, :Good." Zach looks at his hand covered in blood, "I don't get why she did this to me." Jack's eyes turn back to gold and he walks over to Zach, "I can help if you want me to?" Zach was worried asked, "Uh what are you gonna do?" Jack replied, "This." and instantly heals Zach; as he does his stomach flutters with butterflies. Zach was surprised since Jack had no idea who he was but what caught him off guard was the small butterfly wing that fluttered in his stomach. Jack then powered down and fell against Katie who put him to bed. The next morning Jack couldn't stop thinking about Zach; his heart would flutter every time he thought about him. As the days went on Jack developed a crush on Zach.

One night Jack woke up after a nightmare and cried, wishing that Zach would hold him and tell him it's ok and that he loves him. He thinks about them cuddling every night and all the dates they'd go on. One day Zach, Jack, and Katie were shooting arrows and having the time of their lives; Giana was there cheering them on and after a while, they went to bed for the night. Later on the next day, Jack was getting some nougat because he didn't feel like himself. He overheard conversations from Cas, Elizabeth, Giana and Zach. While Jack was listening, all his feelings about Zach were bubbling up inside of him. Zach then left and went outside, with Giana following not long after. Jack's feelings for Zach got so intense that everything he heard about Elizabeth disappeared. He followed them out there and hid in a tree still listening in even though he was there for a different reason. All Jack heard was Giana say sharply, "Don't touch me." Zach sighs, "You can't hate me more than I hate myself." Giana replied quietly, "Actually I can." Then vanished. Jack watched him fall against the tree and to the ground, "I've lost everything."

Jack's heart breaks as he flies inside; his heart bursts as he falls to the floor at the bottom of the bunker stairs; tears in his eyes, his heart pounding and yearning for Zach, "I-I-love-him." Jack said softly, his eyes widening as he said it louder, "I love him!" Jack scrambled to his feet as fast as he could, his heart racing, tears streaming, before he knew it he was already outside the bunker running towards Zach. Jack ran across the yard to Zach as tears continued streaming, his heart bursting with love; if he didn't tell Zach now it would be too late so it was now or never. He stopped in front of Zach, his heart pounding and his nerves rising, "Z-Zach?" he said mentally, Zach looked up, "Jack?" He sees his tears and assumes the worst but then Jack speaks up and tears fall, "This is probably a bad time to tell you this but I don't care. Ever since we met I knew I liked you more than a friend. It just hit me now that I was right. I love you, Zach, I love you so fucking much." Zach blinks several times looking at Jack as he takes in his demeanor and processes what he just said.

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