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"she's not gonna wake up just do it"
i whispered to myself as looked through my closet
i opened the small box i had in my closet and grabbed the box i had on the floor

i can't really get anything from stores, mother doesn't condone things like that but i had managed to order something online, it was just pink skirts, crop tops and a few pretty tights

i let out a shaky breath as i heard the thunder outside my small window, there's a big storm tonight

"min yoongi open this door now! i don't like locked doors in this household you know that"

i jumped as she yelled banging against my door
i quickly put the clothes away and ran to the locked door, she walked right passed me with an angry facial expression it was expected if I'm being honest

"whoever's in here revel yourself now!"
she yelled and stomped her foot

"no one's in here, i just wanted-"

"stop lying, before i give you another cut"
she says and i immediately quiet down and look down at my carpet floor

"go start cleaning the kitchen, we have a guest today"
she says and i nod leaving the room before she got more angry at me then she already was

"i wonder who's coming today"
i say quietly looking up at kitchen that i had cleaned just three hours ago, but there was a few plates in the sink she had probably ate when i was at school

i finished washing the remaining dishes and looked over at the stove where my grandmother had came and made us some food, shes a sweetheart

i jumped hearing three loud knocks against the door
downstairs, my head averted to tue stairs where my mom was, she was wearing a tight black dress and
heels with some makeup how did she do all that so quick?

she quickly walked to the door and opened it widely my eyes widened seeing a very tall man with silver hair he was very handsome and his dimples was the icing on the cake seriously.

he did look much younger then my mom, i turned around and dried my hands off before i heard my name being brought up for some reason

"yoongi-ah this is my husband kim namjoon"
she says smiling as i looked at them

"h-husband? when did you t-two get married?"
i ask hitting my elastic against my pale skin a few times my mother scoffed and looked at me angrily

"she meant we're dating, not married"
the tall man who's name i already forgot said

"my name is min yoongi its nice to meet you, i should probably head to bed now i have school"

i say bowing before i hurried upstairs into my bedroom, i walked into my bathroom and changed into a big t-shirt that was like a dress on me literally

first day of junior year tomorrow hopefully everything goes well, maybe ill make some new friends cant say I'm certain though social anxiety makes talking to people hard.

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