Chapter Seventeen "Caught Red Handed"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{2:15 p.m.}

By the direction of where the sun was,it's already past 12:00 p.m. After all the sudden things that happened during the morning,the gang that was using a cave as a shelter decided to have a nap time.

All apart from one....

"I don't get these idiots... There's a murderer on the loose on this island and they decided to have a nap time first-?" Blaza mumbled,looking at the others which were sleeping on the stone ground comfortably.

His eyes shined red a while as he looked around his surroundings. "Looks like that dinosaur spirit isn't here right now" Blaza thought as an idea came into his mind.

"This will be fun" He smirked.

Blaza looked at Tbh's bag that was beside him and picked it up. He opened the cover of the bag and found the syringe which still had a little poison in it. He chuckled as black sparkles started forming on the syringe when the syringe was in his hand.

As the black sparkles died down,the syringe was full with black liquid in it. Blaza's eyes shined red as he saw the liquid as he turned towards his sleeping friends.

"Who's the next victim?" Blaza smirked as he whispered to one of his sleeping friends. He injected the syringe into the innocent victim's neck. He watched the black liquid slowly entered the victim's neck as he chuckled in a deep voice.

Blaza smiled as he had finished his 'job' as he turned his head away from the victim. But what surprised him was the dinosaur spirit was standing or floating at the entrance of the cave with a shock face on.

"B-Blaza..?!" Dino can't seems to find words to shout at him. "Y-You did a-all of this-?!" He mumbled but was loud enough for Blaza to hear.

Blaza had a calm face expression on as he chuckled at Dino's expression. "Oh,Dino~! There's more you didn't know about me" He spoke in a deep voice,sending shivers to Dino even though he's dead.

"W-Why..." Dino slowly asked,didn't know why he could just teleport away and tell the others. Maybe cause he had a feeling that the murderer wasn't Blaza.

It's like Blaza could read his mind as he suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of the unmoving dinosaur. He took both of Dino's hand and black sparkles started forming on his hands.

Dino immediately freaked out,afraid what Blaza was capable to do even though he was curious how could Blaza touched him when he's invisible. After the black sparkles died down,there were black handcuffs on Dino's hands and somehow it made Dino can't use his spirit powers.

Blaza leaned closer to Dino as he whispered to his right ear. "Or maybe I'm not Blaza at all" Eyes widen as water started dropping from the blue sky.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{2:30 p.m.}

If Muffin wasn't beside Meme,he would probably shouted a lot of curse words towards the sky. He and Muffin were just searching for food after they couldn't find anything or anyone at the broken mansion. Unfortunately, bad luck was on their side as it suddenly just started raining.

Since they didn't found a shelter,the only option for them was to hide under the biggest tree they could found from the rain. Which probably wasn't a good idea but they have no choice.

(Remember don't hide under a tree while raining cause it dangerous! This is just for the storyline)

"You do know that hiding under a tree while raining is a bad idea,right?" Muffin pointed out. Meme frowned as he looked up at the now grey sky. "I know that but we can't find a shelter yet so I guess this is our only option right now" he answered,hoping bad luck isn't on their side right now.

Both of them stayed silent as they sat quietly under the tree as the rain made them soaking wet. After a while,Muffin passed out from exhaustion as his head was on Meme's shoulder.

Meme tried his best to cover the 14 year old kid from the rain but failing. "Damn it- why does it have to rain at the wrong moment?!" Meme complained in his head as his vision was blurted by the rain. 


Nadwe was standing in front of Meme and Muffin. When it suddenly started raining,he immediately teleported away from Socks and Laff,saying he was gonna check on Meme and Muffin.

And now Nadwe was waiting for both of them passed out first so that he could try make them warmer by his spirit powers but it couldn't be done when he's invisible.

When he saw both of their eyes closed,Nadwe slowly approached both of them after he turned visible. He tried his best to make the air warmer for both of them as himself was soaking wet too due he's visible right now.

Before Nadwe turned invisible again,he used his spirit powers to make some fruits for them as he placed on the ground near them. Just as he was about to turn invisible, he heard a familiar voice.


Nadwe immediately looked up as he saw Meme's eyes were still slightly open but were still covered by the raindrops,making him hard to see in the rain. After what happened last time with Socks,Laff and Dino told him before that he should teleport away if he got caught again.Without second thoughts,he quickly teleported away and hid behind a tree which was nearby them as he turned invisible again.

He watched as Meme looked around his surroundings for while in a distance. Nadwe sighed in relief as Meme finally passed out from exhaustion. But now Meme saw him but there's still a chance that Meme could tell himself he was just hallucinating.

"Oh god-! I just let two people saw me when I turned visible today!" Nadwe screamed those words in his head.

Chapter Seventeen 🍀

Summary: Dino caught Blaza doing something unexpected in the cave but he was too shocked to do anything about it as he just stood there watching him. As water started dropping from the sky,Nadwe helped Meme and Muffin in secret but was caught seen by a nearly passed out Meme.

Who do you think the victim is? (The one 'Blaza' injected a syringe in him)

If you guys had any theory that you wanna suggest for me, go ahead and comment as I will try my best to write it in the storyline.

Thanks for 1.17k views and 102 votes!
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1119

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