The 13

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One morning jack went to school on the way he noticed something odd he thought it was nothing until it Kept on happening every day a kid went missing jack defently noticed something weird a little to weird. The news came on that night whilst he was eating diner watch out kids there is a man called Friday the 13th he kidnapped kids and murders them watch out.,,Mum is this real jack said,,.Of course not she replied''.jack went to school that morning and there was no kids there he thought that he was late until the teachers weren't there ever he ran home as fast as he could to tell his mum ''mum mum he is real,,no he's not don't be sill ,,ok the what is that then on the news.Pack ur bags we are moving away from this town now hurry they all ran in to the car. Hey sister we're do you think we're going to I don't know she replied why haven't you been talking to me lately because I have been out talking about that my friend hasn't called today it is because of Jason Friday the 13th. Wait what is that in the road it looks like a body MUM STOP NOW what honey look there's a body in the middle of the road what it's Friday the 13th DRIVE. The sister died the only person left is jack and his mum looks like it is just you and me jack replied. They were on there way to a hotel for a night until there mum lost control of the wheel and got into a car crash 2 minuites later she dies and it is just jack left. PART 2 COMING SOON

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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