Blue Eyes

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Friday, 4:37PM, Y/n's POV:

I had been waiting at the boba shop for a couple minutes now. It wasn't unlike my brother to be late at all, he often got caught up with his friends or class or just teenage things in general. I had already ordered what we usually get and I sat at a table looking out at the street. People walked past as it began raining softly. I was facing the door and saw anytime someone came into the store, it was a lot of younger girls with their friends. They'd come in, order and leave. I sat bored, staring at my phone that had absolutely no notifications.

I looked up, nothing a tall thin man enter the boba store. He wore a black mask and had dark black hair. His hood was up and I could tell he was wet from the rain, his eyes were focused on the ground. He stood in line and ordered a drink, turning to face the store. His eyes gazed around the store, and finally met mine. I felt my cheeks become flush at I realized I had been staring at him this entire time. I quickly went to look away when I realized his eyes were a piercing blue color, our eyes locked onto one another's, holding each others gaze for a moment. A chill ran down my spine, causing me to shiver ever so slightly. I saw his face curl under his mask, maybe a small smirk on his lips. Our eye contact was broke when he heard his name called, looking behind him and grabbing the purple drink. He looked back at me and chuckled before leaving the store. I followed him through the windows with my eyes. Watching his dark figure fade as he walked farther and farther away.

"Hello? Sis???! Y/n?!" I quickly snapped out of the trance I was in and realized my brother was standing beside the table I was sitting at. He laughed and sat down in the booth, his blonde hair was damp from the rain.

"Sorry Denki, long day." He laughed again, grabbing the boba I had got for him and taking a big sip.

"Do I have a story for you sis!" He began, talking my ear off about his red headed best friend Kirishima.

My brain began to wonder back to the blue eyed man, his eyes were ridiculous. The moment I saw them I couldn't even focus on anything else. I came back to, listening to Denki finish his story,

"But seriously, Kirishima does this thing where he's like BAM and then Bakugou was like BOOM so I was zipping around and also BAM-BOOMing to help." He gasped for air, talking extremely fast and taking a long sip of boba, "So yeah training was cool today you could say." He shrugged, sitting back in his seat.

"You seem out of it, y/n." Denki pointed to me squinting his eyes. "Did I miss something? Are you mad I was late? The rain made me a little late because when I went to leave school I was like 'what it's raining?' Then I forgot it was Friday, so..." He went on and I giggled at him, shaking my head.

"No Denki, I didn't mind. How are your dorms?" Denki continued talking my ear off as my brain drifted away back to the blue eyed man. If only I was confident enough to talk to a man like that, then maybe I wouldn't be sitting here like a regretful fool.

Denki and I talked back and forth for the next hour, I offered him a ride home but he shook his head no, saying he liked to walk in the rain because it made his skin feel like bubble wrap. I laughed at him, standing up to give him a hug, "Okay sis, I'll see you next Friday, got it?" I nodded, "Oh wait Denki here, I almost forgot," I reached to my side, pulling out a bag of snacks and 20$, "Take this." His eyes lid up and he smiled brightly, "You are the coolest." He gave me one last hug before walking back into the rain, I watched him out of the window and he waved at me aggressively until he was out of my frame of vision.

I sat at the empty table for a moment, still thinking about the blue eyed man.

(PS: Obviously Denki does not have a sister, but I felt like he was the best character to make y/n's brother for some reason? I love his vibe.)

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