The abandoned house beyond the hill

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It was a slightly foggy day in November. The sky was grey and it was the perfect cliche 'let's go to a haunted house and get possessed' day. Me and my 4 other friends, Aiden, Macy, Emily, and Preston all went to the abandoned barn in our trailer park. We weren't aloud in there, which is why we went. It was so ominous and everytime you'd go near, chills would run down your spine and you would begin to feel uneasy. Or maybe that was just the weather, well, either way, we would find out today whether it was the weather or not.

We all walked into the house, Macy going first as she was the oldest and tallest. It was dark with a lot of pipes around and bookshelves filled with the big pipes, not metal ones though. All the windows were closed and luckily I had brought a flashlight. Emily and Macy went and opened most of the windows. Me and the other two boys went to explore. We were told it was a barn but it looked more like a house. As you walked in, there was an empty area on the right, probably the living room. Ahead from there there was a bar and behind that a kitchen.

A little to the right where you enter the kitchen at the right end of the bar, there was a small hallway with a bathroom. There were no bedrooms or anything and only one toilet in the bathroom, so we were confused thinking it was a cafe of some sort with only one toilet. When you went into the kitchen, at the end of the wall there was a small opening and a small average closet sized room. Slowly and ready to hit whatever was in there, I walked in first with the others behind me (Odd because they were the big strong boys). It was full of trophies on the ground, maybe about 30.

Baseball and golf mainly. Ranging  from 1960-80. We were even more confused now. A cafe with trophies in a closet and shelves full of huge plastic pipes as soon as you walked in? What was going on? As soon as we entered the house my stomach tossed and turned, feeling uneasy and a sense of being watched but I ignored it until now. Now I felt the eyes of someone burning into my soul. Yknow that feeling don't you? I whipped around with my flashlight and just stared as the boys looked around in amazement at the trophies. I kept watching until a shadow crossed my light which was passed the bar and on the left side of the living room, and the girls were on the right side heading to us to see what we had found.

I wanted to get out of there immediately after that and my heart started to pound. None of them would listen to me and at this point they were all touching the trophies. I left and looked around the main room, shining the flashlight at every corner. Then I saw it. Symbols. My heart was racing as I trailed the light across the symbols along the wall. Right about where the ceiling started, there were symbols everywhere. It looked like some type of satanic alphabet and I quickly yelled for them all to see. As soon as they saw it Aiden had recognized a few of the symbols from some show he had watched with his grandpa.

The one he knew was one that meant "devils home" or something. Hearing that, we all bolted out of there, me being the first to leave as my heart had had enough for the day. Out of breath we all three decided to call it a day despite it being about 2pm. We parted ways to our trailers and never talked about what we saw again. I'm sure every now and then one of them thinks about what that whole houses story is/was. I've researched countless times and have found nothing, so I guess we will let time unravel the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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