Moving Day ||Part 1||

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!!TW: Suggestive Content?!!

Great Im moving today. To a different school and home. :( Im loosing all my friends and the school is said to have little amount of students and has a low reputation. My parents think it will help me learn better sense its more one on one, student, teacher time. "Y/N!! START PACKING WERE GOING TO MISS THE VAN!" My dear loving mother yells at me. "Yes Mom! I will!"
I say lovingly as I start packing. I somehow get done in 30 minutes because im a god! Then I went downstairs with all my stuff, but.. the house still had.. everything in it..? "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mom.......? d-d-d-d-d-d-dad...? wh-why hav-hav-havent you g-g-guys packed up ye-yet..?" I asked "We arent going with you! your going alone!" my dad says. Oh... im going alone... I nod and walk out the door with all my stuff. I put it in the van while i sit next to the driver. I looked at him and blushed. He was bald with one blonde strand, red plump lips and gorgeos brown almost black eyes. I look away before the driver could notice, yet I heard him snicker. It was... hot.. and attractive.. I fell asleep because I was so tired from packing up and moving.

*Time Skip because im bored (〃゚3゚〃)*

"Sir... sir.. wake up! we're at your destination!" The driver shook me awake. "H-h-huh?!" I asked "O-oh! Y-yeah! he-here!" I handed him 20 dollars, yet he denied for some reason. "Its fine sir, I'll help bring your stuff to your room." I nodded and blushed, leaving the seat and going to the back of the van, waiting for the driver to open the back up. He walked back here after turning the van off, I assume to not waste gas. He opened the back and started grabbing stuff, as did I. He started walking to what I assume was my room, I'm not sure how he knew it was my room but it was empty so I was fine with it. I said thank you and he left. I wish I could sleep with- OH MY GOODNESS WHAT AM I THINKING?! HE WAS A RANDOM STRANGER??! I blushed at the thought I was thinking and covered my face. I stopped and breathed. I forced myself to move on knowing I wouldnt ever see him again and decided to unpack and set stuff up.

*Time skip brought to you by todoroki's raman (。・//ε//・。)*

I was so tired. I was about to pass out when... I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it drowsly and it was im assuming a hot teacher. He had brown fluffy hair that covered his eyes, "Hello welcome to the school, please be on time and here is your schedule." He said in a hot monotone voice. I grabbed the paper and said thank you and closed the door. I set the paper on my table and went to sleep on my couch.

*Another time skip brought to u by dekuwu's quirk (≧▽≦)*

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! I woke up in a panic. Its 6:00am! barely enough time to get ready! school starts at 7am! I got up quickly and took a shower, made some toaste ate it and brushed my teeth. It was already 6:50am?! Where did all the time go! I got dressed and left... but something didnt feel right. OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT MY SHOES AND BACKPACK DUH!!! 🤣🤣 I ran back to my room, and grabbed my schedule, shoes and bag. I finnally left the room and locked my door and towards the school. SHIT! It was already 6:55am! Im going to be late! I ran into the school and started walking, knowing I'd get in trouble if i didnt. I started speed walking to my first period, constantly checking the time. 6:56am. 6:57am. 6:58am. 6:59am... 7am hit right before I was at the class, I got the door right after the bell rung and was... the only student?! I sighed. The teacher looked at me.. with a creepy smile..! I looked at the white board and it said "Welcome to Mr. Baldi's Education and Learning Class! Take a seat anywhere! :)" I sat down next to a window and quietly apologized for being late. "Oh! its fine its the first day of school! As long as you dont do it again and dont get any math answers wrong everything will be fine :)" He said, I laughed nervously. about 4 or 5 other students came in, which filled all the desks in the class there was me (Y/N), Kiendra, Quensly, Playtime, Tom (School Bully), and Sock.. "Welcome class! Have a seat anywhere! today we will be taking a quiz! Stay silent! And DONT get a question wrong." He started passing out papers, I started mine and I was near the end but... it was just jumbled up letters and numbers..? I waited for somebody else to finish and... Somebody did, it was Quensly. Mr. Baldi got mad and brought a ruler out... he started smacking hes hand with it until... he smacked Quensly?! Quensly whimpered as he felt the ruler hit him, I think I saw it cut him a little bit..! "I said DONT get any questions wrong did I not?!" Mr. Baldi said angrily as he sat back down, pushing Quensly back to his seat with the paper. I looked at my paper sweating... not wanting to get hit by Mr. Baldi but it seemed nice... to feel the cold rule go down and hit your skin... I blushed at the thought of it, but I ignored it and tried thinking of answers. I gave up and put 67. I got up and gave it to him... He looked up at me angrily... "Meet me after class." He said as he smacked my back, I whimpered and sat back down.. but he kept my paper instead of giving it back...

To be continued!! (✯ᴗ✯)

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