Love for a Princess Pup

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This is my first Paw Patrol fanfic. I want to still get to know the show better before I even think about doing a full story, so here's a short one-shot between Chase and Sweetie.

"Princess, please!"

"No is no, Sweetie. And that's final!"

The Princess was holding a squirming terrier in her arms as they walked outside the castle. The terrier was desperately trying to get out of her grasp.

"Princess, I'll do anything! Just let me go to the party."

"Not a chance Sweetie. I'm not taking any more chances with you."

"I won't take the crown again. I promise." Sweetie pleaded.

"You said that last time, and look what happened."

The Princess arrived at Sweetie's doghouse, which had a golden fence around it. Sweetie made a last-ditch effort to escape, but she accidentally kicked the princess. It wasn't a hard kick, it was very light. But the Princess was furious. So furious that she threw Sweetie over the fence and into her dog house. Sweetie yelped out in pain as she landed hard on the ground. She even dropped her toy frog, Busby, who rolled through a small gap in the fence. Sweetie went up to the fence and tried to reach for him, but was unable to do so.

"You're in so much trouble, Sweetie." The Princess grabbed Sweetie's collar tightly, making Sweetie choke. "No tiara," She ripped off her tiara, "No tag," She ripped off the crown tag on her collar. "And most importantly," The Princess kneeled and grabbed Busby. "No Busby!"

"No! Not Busby!" Sweetie choked out. The Princess let her go. Sweetie gasped for air and moved away. But she yelped when she put down her front right leg. It had broken when the Princess threw her. "You can take the other stuff, but please don't take Busby!"

"Not a chance. He's going straight into the bin!" The Princess told her. "And for kicking me, you'll stay in there for a whole month!"


"Should I make it two?"

Sweetie stayed silent.

"I thought so."

Without another word, the Princess left. Leaving Sweetie all alone.

"But... I can change..." Sweetie said silently, knowing that no one would hear her. She was all alone. No Princess, no Busby, no Chase... It was just her.

"Maybe... I deserve this punishment. I went too far stealing the crown." Sweetie limped into her dog house and curled herself up. "I don't deserve the crown, the Princess, Busby, this home, Chase..." Sweetie cried to herself. She looked at the wall of her doghouse. Inside was a dress she was going to wear. But it looks like she wouldn't need it anymore. "I... I don't deserve to be loved."

Several hours have passed. The party had begun and guests were arriving. Among them was the Paw Patrol. All of them were dressed up fancy. And they all had presents they were going to give.

Chase was looking around. There were lots of people there, but he couldn't see the person he wanted. Chase never told anyone to who he was giving his gift, as he feared their reaction. He had a gift for Sweetie. While everyone else didn't believe that Sweetie will ever be good, Chase still believed she could change. Despite their fights and arguments, he had a soft spot for the Royal Pup.

After nearly an hour of looking, Chase decided to ask the Princess herself where Sweetie is. It took a bit of time to find her as well, but Chase was able to locate the Princess.

"Um, Princess?" Chase spoke up.

The Princess turned to Chase with a bright smile. "Oh, Chase! How's my favorite pup?!"

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