Together Forever

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Harry walked through the streets of Magnolia Crescent, depressed and angry. These last few weeks, no, these last few yearshad been hell for him. Confronting a defence professor with an additional face at the back of his head, facing a giant snake who can kill someone with a look, fighting against a hundred soul-sucking demonic creations, being forced to compete in a tournament meant for people 3 years older than him, only to end up tied in a graveyard and watching the resurrection of the monster who had tried to kill him since he was an infant, being vilified by the public for being a liar and an attention-seeking brat just because he tried to warn them of impending doom, and then losing the only man he saw as a father figure in this world, his godfather. And to add to that, he had been thrown back into his prison in Privet Drive. And worse yet, his friendshadn't sent a single letter in all of the holidays. Just like last year.

He tried his best to ignore the negative thoughts, but they just refused to go away, filling him with resentment and anger towards his so-called friends. Why? Why was it always him that suffered? Why was he the only one that lost everything? Could he lose anything else? Could his life become any worse?

Harry really shouldn't have challenged the gods of irony.

As he was walking, wrapped up in his own thoughts, he never heard the rustling of a bush, never saw a hooded figure in black robes rushing towards him from behind. The figure grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the rough asphalt of the road, breaking his nose. He couldn't do anything as the figure dragged him back into the bushes, and brought their face towards his neck. And then he felt a sting on it, as if something had bitten him. At that moment, he realized with a jolt. It was a Vampire!

Yes, his life definitely could become worse. It just had!

He was no match for the Vampire's enhanced strength. His wand was safe in his trunk, and his trunk was safe in his cupboard, thanks to his dear relatives. So he could do nothing as the Vampire drank his fill, and then stood up and disapparated. As he passed out from the blood loss and pain, his last thought was where the hell was his watch guard that Dumbledore insisted on having.

When he woke up it was very dark and he was lying on uncomfortable ground, pebbles digging into his skin. It took him a moment to recall the events of a few hours ago and then he chuckled humorlessly. He was a Vampire now. He could feel it, the thirst for blood, erotic thoughts of red liquid persisting in his mind no matter how much he tried to stop them. Apparently Fates weren't done with him yet. Now he was a fanged beast who would have to feed on blood to survive. He felt that same anger burning inside him.


Why only him?

Well, if fate wanted to fuck with him, he'll pay back with equal vigour.

His moral side tried to reason with him, he didn't listen to it for a second.

He didn't care anymore.

He was done.

He. Was. Done!

He got up with surprising agility, but it was to be expected. Vampires have enhanced strength, senses and agility. So maybe it compensated for the blood loss he had suffered. But he was feeling it. The craving. The bloodlust. He wanted to feed.

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