Cameron's POV
I'm so sorry Mr. Dallas but your girlfriend, y/n has passed away. We did everything we could to save her but ultimately her injuries were just too severe." "No, no, no, no. I think you've got the wrong y/n, ma'am. No disrespect but my girlfriend is perfectly fine!" "Y/l/n?" "Stop messing around, please. Tell me you're just trying to get inside my head and make me think you're telling the truth although you're lying, but I think you're-" "Sir, you're not making any since. I'm really sorry but she's dead." I slowly sat down. I was a mess. I was shaking really badly, my hair was all over the place, and my tears wouldn't stop falling. I got my phone out to call Nash. "Hey man, what's good?" I could barely even talk. "N-n-nothing's g-good. Y/n is g-gone.
Your POV
I woke up to the sound of sniffling. I turned on my side to see Cam crying,but still sleeping. "Aww!" I whispered. I kissed his forehead and he immediately woke up. As soon as our eyes connected he engulfed me into a huge hug. "Aww, Cameron! What's wrong, baby?" His tears were soaking my shirt. He took a deep breath. "I had a d-dream and you got into a c-car accid-dent and you died on m-me, y/n, y-you d-died on me!" It was silent for awhile until I finally spoke again. "Baby, I'm okay. We're okay. It was a just a dream. I love you." I kissed his tear stained cheeks. "I love you too, princess. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you and quite frankly, I don't want to! Y/n, you get me through all my crappy, stressful days. I know we've only been dating for two years and living to together for one, but you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I want to make tons of little Cameron's and y/n. I was going to do this on Friday when we went out to dinner with your family but right now seems like the perfect time." He reached over into the bedside table's drawer and pulled out a small, velvet box. He got down on when knee.
"Y/f/n, I love you to the moon and back and I never want to lose you. Will you do me the honor of being my beautiful and perfect wife?"
"Cameron....of course! Oh my gosh. I love you so much!" He slipped on the gorgeous diamond ring. "I'm tired. Let's go back to bed?" "Lets"
"Mr. and Mrs. Caniff?" The nurse called us. We quickly stood up. "The Doctor would like to speak with you." We followed the nurse down the long hallway and into the small room. "Mr. and Mrs. Caniff. I have some good and bad news. First, the good news. You'll be able to try for more kids in the future, of course only if you want to. The bad news however...we got your test results back and it seems that you've had a miscarriage. I'm so sorry."I immediately woke up, salty tears rolling down my cheeks. I clutched my stomach. What if it was true? What if Mason was gone? I looked to my left to see my sleeping husband, Taylor. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Like he didn't give a care in the world. I quietly got up and went across the hall to the bathroom, trying not to wake up Taylor in the process. I was cleaning my face when I heard the door open. Two strong, muscular arms snaked around my waist while a chin rested on my shoulder. "Babe." Taylor whispered soothingly in my ear. "You alright?" I took a deep breath. "Ye-yeah I just had a ba-bad dream. I'm fine." "If you were fine you wouldn't be crying, baby." I broke down in sobs and started bawling my eyes out. "Hey, hey, hey, no, don't cry. He engulfed me in a huge, warm hug. He hated it when I cried. After he has settled me down a bit he said "What happened exactly, in your dream?" I waited for a while until I said anything. "W-well, we went t-to Mason's doctors appointm-ment and they told us that w-we h-had a mis-miscarriage." "Awe, baby girl. Mason's going to be fine. No, he is fine! He's a strong little boy, kinda like his beautiful momma. He said as he kissed my tear-stained cheek. He bent down signaling me to get on his back. It was something we used to do a lot. I shook my head no. I could see his eyes getting sadder by the minute, his lips forming into a little pouty face. "But babeeeeee, our baby is due in 4 days and you need as much attention as you can possibly get before Mason gets here." He said in a really proper voice. "Fine, whatever Caniff. But if you end up breaking your back don't come crying to me!" I said through laughs. "I won't!"
Five days later healthy little Mason was born. 7 pounds and 3 ounces.
I woke up to someone shaking me awake. "Y/n, y/n wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake uppppp!" It was my boyfriend, Hayes. He had tears in his eyes, he was sweating really badly, and his shirt was now takin off. "Hayes, what's wrong, babe?" He took a few deep breathes. "Sky-Skylynn's hurt. I-I let her ride on my skate-skateboard and she fell a-and she h-hit her head." I looked at him confused until I realized that he was having another nightmare. "Hayes, Sky's fine. You just had another nightmare." Ever since we moved in together 2 months ago he kept having nightmares. He'd have at least three every week. "So, Skylynn's...okay?" I hugged him. "Of course she is." I didn't want to have to do this, but it was the best thing for Hayes, right now anyways. "Hayes....maybe we should move back home. This month is almost up and we already payed the rent....I think it'd be good for you. I don't want to but I'll do anything if it means you'll stop having so many nightmares." I bit my lip, holding back tears, scared to see his reaction." "Y/n, no. It doesn't matter if I'm okay. It only matters if you're okay and I know you, y/n. We've been dating for two years and I know if you go back home you're gonna get all sad and depressed again and I hate seeing you like that, and I won't see you like that again! I'm not gonna let you go back to your hot tempered, abusive Dad and your messed up, drunken Mom! I love you too much to do that you. Look!" He lightly lifted up my shirt, sliding his thumb across my back. "Look at these perfect little fading scars. FADING scars! If I let you go back there, those scars won't be fading anymore....I just can't do that to you!" By now tears were pouring out of my eyes. He took me into a hug. "No, baby don't cry!" Tears were threatening to spill out of his own eyes now. "Hayes, I'm not j-just gonna let you suffer while I'm h-happy. No, I won't be happy if you're n-not." "Then....come with me!" I stayed silent for a while. "What do you mean, come with you?" He kissed my forehead. "My Mom loves you, you love my Mom. Move in with me again, but this time it'll be at my Mom's house. Okay? Will that make you happy because if not we can arrange someth-" I quickly kissed his lips. "I'll take that as a yes." He said as we both drifted off to sleep, laying in each other's arms.
Your Daughters POV
"Me and your Father are getting a divorce."
I woke up and started crying my eyes out. My parents had finally decided to call it quits. They had been arguing more than ever lately, but I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I got out of bed and ran to my parents room. I quietly opened the door. My Mom was sleeping but my Dad was nowhere to be found. I closed the door and ran downstairs, trying to find my Dad. I look everywhere but he wasn't there. I finally decided to look out the window and see if my Dad's car was there....but it wasn't. I laid on the couch and started crying harder than before. He was gone. My Dad, my rock, my best friend, gone. Just like that, no goodbye or nothin. I slowly walked upstairs and slumped down my door, tears dripping down my face. I stayed like that for a good fifteen minutes and then I heard the front door open. When I saw my Dad at the bottom of the staircase I ran to him as fast as I could. I engulfed him into a huge hug, my tears probably soaking his shirt. "Awe, princess. What's the matter?" "Y-you and M-Mom got a-a div-divorce." I mumbled. He pulled me away and looked into my bright blue eyes. "Pumpkin, I would never divorce your Mom. She means to much to me. I know we fight a lot but I'm gonna to put a stop to that...I actually went to the store to buy stuff to make your Mom breakfast. Wanna help me?" "Okay" We got the stuff to make the pancakes and got to work. I knocked on my Mom's door. "Room service!" She sat up. "Awe! Did y'all do this all for me?" We both nodded. "I love you guys!" And with that we all went into a big group hug.I hope you guys loved it as much as I did! Sorry if your fav was left out but this is only the first part! Please vote and comment what you thought! 💕

❤️Magcon Preferences❤️
FanfictionHey guys! In this book I will be writing preferences about the Magcon boys and a few extra guys. I will be doing.... Matthew Espinosa Taylor Caniff Shawn Mendes Cameron Dallas Jack Gilinsky Jack Johnson Nash Grier Hayes Grier Carter Reynolds Aar...