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Next Morning:
Rindou pov:
I woke up early and started getting ready to go to this coffee shop near us since that was what the text said.

I was done getting ready and i went downstairs slowly since i dont want to wake them up.

I finally got outside and just decided to walk since it was just a walking distance and when i came in i saw a girl figure looking at me and i widen my eyes.
It was akira.

I sat down and looked at her,she changed so much. She's so skinny like does she even eat food?

What are you doing here? Didnt i tell you to never show your face again?

I was the one who sent the text.

How did you know our location?

My men tracked it of course.

Dont bother me im already happy with my life!

Aren't you the one who said that you'll never love her? What happened to that now?

That was the past akira! I finally learned to love her and only her!

I dont care! Comeback to me!

Akira,i cant-

Then choose,you'll have to be with me or.....i will hurt y/n.

I gasped and i stayed froze. I couldnt say anything after that. I dont want her to get hurt but i have to be with akira...thats the same thing. I will hurt her again!

I cried and begged her to stop it but she threatened me more so i didnt have a choice...

I accepted it.

F-fine...just please dont hurt her...

Akira clapped her hands as she got up and started hugging me

Okay! Rin baby~

Ran Pov:
I wanted to get myself a cup of coffee so i went towards the nearest coffee shop when two figures caught my attention,it was rindou and some random girl.

Dont tell me rindou's cheating?!

I was mad as hell as i slammed my hand on the table making them surprised as i slapped the girl.

"Your a true slut do you know that? Going for a married man,stay away from my brother and his wife!" Seeing the girl crying,she gritted her teeth as she walked away from us while rindou was shaking from fear,what happened?

"You,are you cheating on your wife?"

"Im not! I wouldnt do that to her!"

"Then who the hell is she?"

"Its akira,my ex-girlfriend. I ended things with her way back when i started falling for y/n but then she traced our location and she's getting revenge at me for leaving her.."

"I see,well for now she wouldnt lay a finger on you two since i scared her off so dont worry,ok?"

"Yeah,thanks" i went to hugged him as he was crying so much,things have been tough for you huh? Rin.

Unwanted | Rindou Haitani. ✓ Where stories live. Discover now