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"I'm breaking up with you, [Name]."

"Shocking." You mumble sarcastically , tears filling your eyes, before you turned around, and began running up the street, in the direction of your apartment.

You slammed the door closed behind you, face burning red. You were so pissed. "Why doesn't anyone ever fucking stay with me?!" You yell, kicking over your trash can as you made your way over to your bed. You knew that the neighbor could hear you; the walls are paper thin, but you just didn't care about that.

"What in the hell is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? I don't understand! Fuck!" You scream, at the top of your lungs, pounding your fist against the wall, your voice cracking a bit as you did .


Your fist cracked through the wall, making a hole in it shaped like your small fist, as your eyes widened in shock. "Son of a bi-"

"Landwweller! Wwhat the fuck a' ya' doin' ta' my wwall?" You looked through the hole, seeing a pair of purple and yellow eyes staring back at you, making you jump back in shock.

"S-Sorry I, uh-"

"Sorry? There is a huge hole in my wwall, and you're tellin' me sorry?"

"I said I was sorry, what else do you want from me?" You yell, feeling tears form in your eyes again, as you bit your lip as an attempt to keep the tears silent as you looked away to hide your face from his limited view. "The hole won't go away over night, you're going to have to wait." You mumble, sniffling as quietly as possible, and wiping your nose.

".....Are you cryin'?"

"No! The fuck are you talking about?" You glare at him through the hole, rubbing your tears away before you did.

"Yes you are! Wwhat the fuck for?"

"None of your damn business! Leave me alone!" You shout, grabbing your tape from your art table, and tore a bunch off, and covered the hole. You heard a curse and a growl through the wall, before you heard him stomp away from the hole.

"Finally..." You mumble, and grab your sketch book, and begin to draw in it. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, making you jump in shock. "Oh god..."

You sigh, and stand, walking over to your door, and swinging it open. You roll your eyes when you see the irritated face of your neighbor, and step away from the door, silently telling him to enter.

He did, and you sat down on your couch, as he stood awkwardly across from you. You roll your eyes, "Close the door and sit the hell down. Damn, it's like you've never been to someone else's place before."

"Wwhatevva." He mumbled, closing the door, before taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch.

"What? I don't bite; I just punch holes in things. No biggie." You glare at him, making him roll his eyes, and scoot closer. "Now, do you want somethin' to drink?"

"Do ya' havve tea?"

"I got Faygo."

"Eww." He scowled. "Typical landwweller."

You glare over at him once again, and resisted the urge to tell him to go screw himself. "It's Faygo or nothing."


"Okay." You mumble, and stand to walk into your small kitchen. You open your cabinet, pulling out a few mis-match glasses, grabbed some Faygo from the fridge, poured some in each glass, and carried them out to him. You sat back down, and handed him his cup. "Sorry the cups don't match; it's usually just me by myself, so I don't keep matching cups around.."

"Alright.." And then, there was more awkward silence.

"So....Why are you here?"

His eyes widened, as if he hadn't expected you to ask the question. He scratched his neck nervously, and answered; "I uh..Wwanted to discuss wwhat to do about the hole..?"

"That sound like more of a question than an answer. Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lyin'!"

"Get out; liars aren't welcome in my place." You pointed at the door, as he shook his hands in the air in disapproval.

"Okay, okay! Just don't laugh!"

"I came ovver because..." You raised a brow, willing him to finish. "Because I wwas wworried about you." His cheeks flushed a beautiful dark purple, making your eyes widen slightly, and your cheeks flushed as well. 

"Why in the hell are you worried about me?"

"I don't knoww."

"..." The silence was almost sickening this time around.

".....Wwhat happened to you to make you angry enough ta' punch a fuckin' hole in my wwall?"

You pout, "None of your business, jerk.." and fold your arms over your chest.

"Clam on, tail me!"

"Your puns are fucking terrible you know."

"Yeah, wwhatevva."

You took a deep breath, before finally answering his question. "...I was angry because I got my heart broken..." You paused, "Again.." You finish. He stared at you, silently telling you to continue.

You rolled your eyes, "I was dating this guy, and he left for some girl who is better than me in every way possible."

"I doubt that."

You chuckled sadly, "Doubt what? I've met her before, she has everything. She's pretty, she's smart, she has a huge house, wealthy family; and I have a run down apartment on the bad side a' town, and relationship problems that are almost as bad as Taylor Swift's."

"So wwhat if you havve a feww relationship problems? Evveryone has those, cod knowws I do. And wwho the fuck cares about wwhat she has?"

"Well, my new ex-boyfriend cares; that's for sure."

"So wwhat if he cares? You're not with him anymore, why should you care about what he thinks?"

"Well I uh.."

"Sea wwhat I mean?" He gave you a smug grin, making you roll your eyes and smile back.

"I guess you have a good point..."

"Yeah, I knoww."

"Shut up.." You giggle, shoving his arm slightly. "Anyway, what's with the Hipster shit?"

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