Chapter Eighteen "Explanation"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{1:45 p.m.}

"Laff and Dino are here too?!" Socks shouted in shock. He saw Nadwe smirked proudly as two more figures appeared beside him. Eyes widen as he saw the familiar gas mask and dinosaur. Socks was completely speechless what he was looking at right now.

"Nadwe,why did you have to turn visible in front of him!?" Dino yelled aloud at the 14 year old kid. "And worse you drag me and Laff into this too!" He exclaimed. Nadwe chuckled awkwardly at his dinosaur spirit friend as he looked towards Laff for help but the gas man gave him a 'you-are-on-your-own-this-time' look.

Dino sighed. "Let's just focus on something else first" he said as he looked towards the orange spaceman who was still shock. "Please tell me if I'm just hallucinating..." Socks said slowly. The three spirits shook their heads at him in response. Before the three spirits could said anything,Socks had already fainted from shock. (Again)

"And he fainted" Nadwe said even though it's obvious for them. Dino facepalmed at the comment. "We should probably teleport him to a better shelter or else he might get heatstroke" Laff suggested as he looked his surroundings that were all broken furnitures or walls.

"We saw many caves all around the island when we were searching for Blaza. We could teleport to there." Dino said,earning nods of agreement. In a blink of an eye,Nadwe had already teleport them to one of the caves without warning. "A little warning next time please..." Laff mumbled as he saw the sudden change of his surrounding.

After five minutes, Socks woke up and the first thing he saw were his spirit friends. "AHHH!" He shouted in shock. The three spirit friends decided to just wait for him to calm down before speaking so he won't faint again. Socks took a few deep breaths before he spoke. "So... I'm still not dreaming?"

"No,you aren't dreaming,Socks." Nadwe answered,earning a glare from the other two spirits. "And don't faint again please" he added. Socks slowly nodded in response,still processing the words. "Aren't you three dead? Like I literally saw your dead bodies with my own eyes." He asked in curious.

"We are dead. After we died,we became spirits and were watching you guys" Dino answered. "You said that like we're stalkers..." Nadwe commented which Dino returned him with an annoying look. "So,you guys are staying in this form forever?" Socks questioned once again.

Laff shook his head at him while the other two were arguing. "Not actually. We will eventually fade away after you all finally accepted/let go of our deaths" He answered. Socks nodded at the information,knowing they are still here due to he didn't let go of their deaths yet. (And the others too)

They were both silent for while (with the other two watching) before Socks suddenly remembered something. "Wait- Dino said you three were watching us in secret. Did you saw Blaza? And isn't he supposed to be with you guys since he's dead?" Socks asked.

"About that...." Dino slowly said.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{2:00 p.m.}

After hearing the explanation,Socks was in completely shock about it. "B-But I remembered he didn't have a pulse... How's he alive and with Woolf,Joocie and Tbh!?" He asked,didn't know should he felt happy about his best friend is still alive or not.

"That's the point,Socks. We also know he didn't have a pulse when we found you and Blaza on the ground" Dino said. "So we are also confused and shocked about it" Laff added. Dino was about to turn invisible again when he noticed Socks's injure right leg.

"You guys tried help Socks with his injuries first before it gets an infection. I'm going to scout around the island for a while before checking on our friends again." Dino said as he walked out the cave,turning invisible.

Laff summoned a roll of bandages and gave it to Socks. "We couldn't touch you but we still can help with resources though" he said. Socks smiled at him as he tried his best to patch up his injuries with the bandages. When he's done,Socks looked up and only saw Nadwe in his view.

"Hey,Nadwe.Where did Laff go?" Socks asked,looking around. "Laff decided to leave us alone in a cave while he is at the entrance of the cave." Nadwe answered. "Just in case something happened,he will warn us first."he added.

Socks nodded in response,still unsure what he should said after what happened with Nadwe before he got pushed off a cliff. Nadwe sighed aloud,making Socks raised an eyebrow at him. "I think we should talk about what happened last time before I....died." He said slowly at the last part.

Socks bit his lips as he heard what Nadwe just said. "It's not your fault about my death. It's kinda wrong for me to just ran away like that from you." Nadwe confessed. Socks looked at him in shock. "But you ran away cause of me. I didn't tell you about what happened next and in result...." He paused,not wanting to continue it.

"Guess it's both of our faults..." Nadwe chuckled awkwardly as he said.

Socks was about to open his mouth to apologise when both of them heard what sound like raining coming from the entrance of the cave. Nadwe immediately gasped as he thought of about Meme and Muffin.

He quickly turned invisible and teleported towards them,leaving a confused orange spaceman in the cave.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
[2:30 p.m.}

A figure was looking at the spirit that he captured a while ago as he smirked. The spirit was banging on the glass hardly and shouting curse words at the figure.

The spirit was held in a glass tube which didn't provide oxygen but a spirit doesn't need it. But the spirit can't use his powers to teleport out which made him panicked even more.

"Can you please stop banging on the glass? It's really annoying!" The figure snapped. "What if I don't? It's not like you can kill me or something cause you already did!" Dino shot back at the figure.

The figure smirked as he heard what the spirit just said. "I can't kill you but I can kill your little wolf friend~" he threatened,making Dino eyes widen in fear.

"F-Fine..." Dino surrendered,not wanting his best friend to die cause of his stubbornness.

The figure smiled as he walked away from the glass tube and approached a desk,full of photos,papers and maps. He picked up a photo which is a photo of the whole gang. In the picture,Dino,Nadwe and Laff's faces were crossed off with a big red 'X', representing they had been killed.

The figure used his other hand to pick up a red pen as he crossed the crab man face with a big 'X'.

"Four down,six to go~"

Chapter Eighteen🤭

Summary: Dino,Laff and Nadwe explained to Socks about their new form while he had some trouble with Nadwe due to past events. After Dino caught 'Blaza' doing something unexpected,he was captured and locked in a glass tube.

Now you know who the victim is :)

If you had confusion about the story,you can ask and I will answer.

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1253

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