Our New World (Short Intro)

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It was raining again, the small drops creating small paths down the plain window as Baekhyun watched. A pencil hanging lazily between his fingers, the tip pressed against his pale cheek that was placed in in his palm, the teacher droning on about how their generation was lazy, how they should work harder to better themselves. Not that he cared.

No, if he paid for the classes he believed that his teacher should just teach what he paid for, and he was entirely sure he had not paid to be lectured about his generation, which he already knew to be disgusting as a whole. Hell, he had grown up surrounded by them after all. Being forced into rooms full of boys who thought it was funny to tell disgusting jokes and call things gay, when they truthfully were incapable of having any sexual orientation. The girls he knew little about, other then they wore too much make up and too little clothing and it disgusted him.

Not that it was hard to disgust him. Very few things did not make him want to gag at the mere sight actually, and most of those things involved no one but his self and his thoughts.

Then the bell rang, shaking the boy from his thoughts as those around him stood and began to file out. Laughing and jostling each other from side to side, causing him to groan as they bumped into him elbows flying by his face as he glared before shoving his way through them.

           Head bowing as a few students shouted at him, others laughing and shaking their head. It wasn't unusual for this to happen. For him to be shouted and cursed at, because he was different. He was the outcast. The boy who had been born without a mark. Who's sickly white skin remained that. No silver or red designs littering his arms. His heels and ankles the same as the rest of his body, leaving him to be the punching bag of those stronger than him.

           Which was everyone, as they were blessed when he was not. He was frail. He was delicate. Breakable, and they put that to their use. Leaving large bruises in the most obvious of places and laughing cause he finally had a mark.

           Heaving a sigh, Baekhyun made his way to his locker, twisting the lock to the numbers he whispered in his head. The small click letting him know he could jerk it open and grab his hoodie before walking home. Not receiving a ride like his sister, the prized child of the city. Daughter of the mayor with two marks instead of one, the silver swirls that danced along her forearms and the vines that were inked into her ankles giving her the rarest of powers.

          Then there was Baekhyun, the lame son of the mayor. No abilities of his own, a child they had been cursed with. As his mother had said, a harsh counter payment for having a perfect child. Oh, how she moaned about how no lord should try to imitate such a glorious girl, should they end up with a useless bag of bones.

        Scoffing at the thoughts Baekhyun slammed his locker shut, twisting the lock once before turning to leave. Sliding his bag down his left arm as he tugged his jacket on, switching the bag to his right arm as he nudged the metal doors open with his foot.

It was ridiculous, at least to him, that the entire population of his school was able to hate him with such passion for something that was beyond his control. That he was hated for simply being born. Yet they were still seen as the good guys, all of them. Seen as people who were beautiful and glorious, the new generation. The most powerful generation to walk the Earth. It made him want to gag.

Glorious? Ha! They were awful people, the whole lot of them. Of course there were a few who were good, but one ounce of good could never surmount all the evil that surrounded it. Not that it was unusual to hear of the powerful being viewed as evil. Everyone had heard of the origins of their powers, of the man who had towered over their kind, an evil tyrant, who fell at the hands of their current leader.

Though Baekhyun honestly questioned the stories that were ground into his memory at a young age, after all history was often biased from the victor’s point of view.

Blowing a lock of hair from  his face the pale boy shook off the thoughts and focused on where he was going, needing to get home quickly so that he reduced any chance of his sister and her friends deciding it would be fun to hunt him down once again. No, he refused to go through such an experience again, having his arm nearly burned down to a stump was not pleasant. And he thanked whatever higher being there was that his mother still held some affection for him and healed him.

She was one of the few that he assumed weren’t all that bad. Unlike his father.

Baekhyun shuddered as he imagined how angry the man had been when he limped inside bloody and burnt. How he had bellowed about being cursed with such a useless son who failed to defend his self, refusing to even look at the boy as his mother slowly nursed him back to health.

“Horrible man…” The teen sighed as his house came into view, the rain slowing as he crossed the street. Pulling the key from his pocket as he neared the gate only to hiss when his hand made contact with the metal. Jerking away he looked down at his palm which was a reddening due to the contact with the hot gate. “What the hell.” He mumbled, reaching up once again only to cry out as the heat increased, a black symbol appearing on the bars that had Baekhyun paling as he stumbled back from the entrance.

They had locked him out, of his own home.

They had put up a field to keep burn those who were unwanted, who were not added into the computers. And he was one of them. His father had barred him, did his mother know? Would she care that much?

Shaking his head Baekhyun stretched his arm forward, testing the boundaries and trying to keep back the small flood of tears that appeared when he found the field reaching out to push him further than he already was. The heat brushing over his palm and wrist.

Taking a shaky step back the boy took in small shallow breaths, trying his best to stay calm as his mind spun. Refusing to believe the fact that his family had practically disowned him though it was thrown right in his face that they no longer wanted him. At all.

Where was he to go? Could he go back to school?

No. They would stop paying for his tuition.

Spinning on his heel Baekhyun stumbled away from the house. Clutching onto his bag, the only thing he had since the rest of his belongings were in the house he was barred from.

His breath hitched, eyes brimming with tears once again as he wandered. Not knowing where he was going and not caring as he sucked in painful gasps. Doing his best not to burst out in sobs now that there were people milling about. On their way home from school and work. Brushing by him without a care as he all but floated by them.

He had no home.

He had no where to go.

Byun Baekhyun was alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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