Ewwos! Mwy name is wittwe Jacob and dish bwook ish about mwy wittwespace.
I'm a wittwe bit shy and sensitive bwut I ish awso a tigew! rwawr :3
I awso hab a Panda stuffie dat I wike to cuddwe with, I hab a Wightning McQueen bwanket too dat ish soft and wawm.
When I ish wapped awound mwy bwanket and mwy Stuffies I swip and it wewaxes me.
I wub Cawtoons too!! Especiawy SpongeBob and Tom and Jewwy *giggwes*
Ohs! I wike to wisten to nuwsewy whymes and awso the wemixed ones, Da music is so coow hehes.
Dat ish awwe fow now, I wiw be backies to update dish, Bye Bye!
Awso I wive somewhewe in Asia so mwy timezones wiw be diffewent :3
Mwy wittwespace
Short StoryEwwos dis ish mwe and a few infowmations about mwe and mwy wittwespace hehe's