Brandi and the Jewwells: New Addition

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You’ve heard how the vampire rules started out with the Volturi? That they were the supreme rulers of the vampire world? Well, hundreds of years after the Volturi settled into their seats of power, in North America, set to rule the Americas and Canada, a new powerful clan was going to be formed, and they would triumph as the most powerful clan in the world, very soon. McKinley O’Riley would make sure of it.

The experiment started with Eli. He was an orphan ostracized for the mysterious killing of his parents. He was top of his class, but with no friends. He tried hanging out with the smart people, but he went from dork to top of the class. He tried to hand with the up and coming theater crowd but outshone them all. Lastly, he tried sports, but was widely hated by the ex quaterback of the team, and was sabotaged him when Eli took his place.  But what made his fate worse was what his father was what he did for a living. Eli’s father, Carlisle was a vampire researcher. He was mysteriously killed while abroad near Italy. His mother broke apart little by little with both heartbreak and the influenza spreading like butter across England. His life changed for what seemed at the moment for the worse, but in the long run, the better, when, during a trip to Volterra with the orphanage, little Eli got lost in an alleyway near the ostentatious clock tower. All of a sudden, he was pulled from behind into the shadows.

Turns out, Aro’s creator, McKinley had felt what potential Eli had. He raised Eli until he was old and wise enough to be turned. See, McKinley had a feeling that the Volturi weren’t getting a hold of all the vampires in the west hemisphere of the world, and decided to create a new branch of the old O’Riley coven’s empire. The O’Riley coven almost completely died out, until, having one of his feelings, McKinley left to form a new coven that would soon govern the vampire race as the O’Riley clan had wished. McKinley’s gift was the gift of intuition. It wasn’t at all like the human proclaimed intuition-McKinley was never wrong, and his intuition was kind of specific at times. He had a feeling whenever he was looking for something, where it would be, or what someone’s power would be, and was never, ever wrong. Basically, McKinley was the supreme ruler, and he used the Jewwells and Volturi to carry out what he can’t by himself. He just monitors over his empires as needed.

And he just knew Eli could be the start of something powerful, and newer than the Volturi. After he trained Eli in the ways of the O’Riley rules, he took him overseas to North America, and started his journey in the quest to find powerful potential pieces of the guard and main family to make up the Jewwells. Eli changed the rules slightly in his power for the selection process. He was sort of lucky because all of his family was dead and gone, but he did not want to take people from their family if not needed. But he lucked out, like only he could, and every one he found was in need of being saved anyway, and very powerful. And he realized he could not live the way the Volturi did- feeding off of humans. So, he started a vegetarian diet. McKinley was impressed by his control, and allowed him to alter that part of the rules, and teach the rest of the coven the vegetarian ways. But, soon they found that they way you could tell the rare vegetarians from the human eaters where their eyes.

As Eli started his animal diet, his eyes began to glow and sparkle like the others, but they turned a mercury shade that you couldn't tear your eyes away from, distinguishing them from the unnatural glow and gleam of the emerald eyes of the human eaters.

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With the guidance and intuition of his creator, thirty years into his training, Eli found Paige.

Paige was a nurse in Leesburg Hospital. She was a miracle worker, whom ever she treated, they would heal twice as fast as any other patient. But Paige was in a depressed state-her father had just died in the hospital she worked at. What made the guilt just tear her heart apart was the fact that she had told her dad she loved working at the hospital as a nurse, and he thought being a nurse was a thankless, moneyless job. She told her dad to go to hell, and went on vacation to think about her life. That was when her father had a heart attack in his room, his wife was at work. And the fact that she could have helped him if she hadn’t of ran away, she could have helped treat her father, and he would have been fine. Then her mother was completely devastated and thought all the blame was to fall on Paige. She slowly lost the will to live because her husband was her everything, and her only daughter had a hand in killing him…well that is what she thought. And Paige was so depressed, her healing powers were failing her, and she got kicked out of the hospital. The day she was fired, Paige was wandering around in the dark alleyways…and was attacked by some angry family members of the people she let down. They were mad, very mad. The hospital got its fame from Paige, and when someone was sick in the area, first thought was, send them to Paige. But Paige let them down, and they wouldn't take it sitting down. They beat her within an inch of her life with no regrets-granted, none of the husbands and brothers were there to witness the brutal mugging and it would have been even more illegal than it was, but the mothers and wives were behind the attack.

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