The Funeral

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Things had been quiet since they popped Grit's sons. Grits went into hiding and all his shops stopped running he drugs through them. Theo wanted to keep an eye out knowing that all they did was back Grits into a corner. When he comes out swinging Theo knew they had to be prepared. Losing Liam kinda set the boys back a little, especially Semaj considering they was best friends.

Theo watched Niylah as she dressed for Liam's funeral. They both were dressed and all black with a little blue since it was Liam's favorite color. Niylah hadn't been really talking to Theo lately after everything happened. He knew he disappointed her but she just had to let it go cause he had to do what needed to be done. He didn't want to push her but the silent treatment was starting to wear his nerves and he was on last straw.

Standing up he headed to the car before texting his mom to check on the boys, who was watching them while he and Niylah went to Liam's funeral. When Niylah made it to the car Theo turned on 2 times and let down his window pulling out a blunt. He really didn't care that Niylah was going to be upset considering she ain't even be speaking to him and his boy just died. Niylah glanced at him and shook her head and still didn't speak causing him to chuckle before taking a long pull.

Pulling up to the church on 12th street where Liam's funeral was happening Theo parked and the back and hopped out. Taking one last pull he flicked the little doobie on the ground and waited for Niylah. Walking in he and Niylah made their way to the casket. The but a big suit on him cover up the wound on his neck. Theo touched his hand before grabbing Niylah's and taking her to the last bench in the back.

They was packed out for his boy. Everyone was giving their condolences to the family and sharing memories of Liam and his goofy ways. It was hard for Theo to really acknowledge Liam's death until today. Seeing him in that casket confirmed that he was really gone. It was too bad cause he hadn't even hit thirty yet and he had a full life ahead of him.

Afterwards everyone headed to Liam's mom's house who had a big house on 38th and Benton and was barbecuing. Theo pulled up behind an old school brown Cadillac and hopped out. Grabbing Niylah's hand they made their way to the back yard before Niylah spotted Myra, Liam's little sister and headed her way. Theo walked up to Kyran, Reghan, Rylee, Semaj and Phoenix who was chilling at a table in the back. Grabbing a chair he pulled it to the table and sat down. Slapping hands with everyone he leaned back and pulled out a blunt.

"Wassup y'all?" He asked.

"Shit." Rylee responded.

"Man if we didn't off already off all Grits sons I'd do it again." Semaj said.

"Man this shit is fucked but we knew what we was getting into. It coulda been anyone of us. It's just fucked up he had to go out so young." Reghan spoke up.

"Man my nigga suffered for real. I ain't gone get that garglin sound out my head. I shoulda been on point and he prolly wouldn't a' got hit." Theo said shaking his head. He hadn't let go of the fact that he watched Liam die.

"Wasn't nothing you coulda done to prevent that. At least you tried to save him. Them doctor just didn't get to him in time or he might have made it." Said Kyran.

"At the end of the day he put in that work and he never folded. Liam mighta been goofy as hell but that nigga always stood ten toes when we needed him. I'm proud of him." Rylee spoke up before Semaj stood up.

"Man fuck that. I just feel like offing somebody but the nigga who did it either dead already or in hiding. We knocked off every last one of that nigga Grits sons and the first thing this nigga do is shut down his operations and disappear. I want his head. That nigga ain't suffer enough for me until he dead." Semaj said before storming off.

"Man no joke but he right, that nigga a coward. He ducked off, leaving his businesses open and they ain't got nothing running through it. Honestly if we find his connect we can run this shit." Reghan announced.

"Man I ain't gone lie, I told Niylah I was out of this shit. I ain't going into that cause I was only doing this shit cause Grits was after me. Now that nigga ain't got shit for his self and his businesses are becoming a shit show." Theo said as he sat back in his seat.

"Yo this shit could have yo kids set for life with Grits out the way we can take his place." Reghan stated.

"I'm just trying to get accustomed to being a new father and with Brook in a coma my focus ain't gone be on shit else. I would but now ain't the time." Kyran spoke.

"Well considering who Grits is he's just in hiding to recoup. This work not done and he gone come after all of us." Reghan spoke up again.

"Just get us the info and me and Phoenix gone look into it. Ky and Theo can just get they shit smoothed out while we take shit on from here." Rylee said.

"I'm down. Grits for sure not done with us and I'm not done either so just let me know." Phoenix said.

"Aye, I'm not saying ima be moving how I was but keep me in to loop too." Theo said before slapping hands with everyone before grabbing Niylah and heading to the car.

They drove home in silence but he saw Niylah glancing at him a few times out the side of his eyes. He just wasn't ready to get out the game yet. He need to make sure Grits was put down for good and he wanted to make some dough while he was at it. Niylah was just going to have to deal with it. She enjoyed the life they lived and his lifestyle was providing that luxury so she was just gonna have to understand he did what he had to for his family. It was too bad he already told her he was out, he was just going to have to make his moves behind her back. He hated that he would have to do it but he had no choice. Grits had to atone for his mess.

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