Chapter 10: Living A Lie

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"You are as I said unique, you're the first of you're kind" he begans.
"What do you mean the first of my kind" I ask confused.
"Like I said the first of you're kind" he says irritably.
"Meaning" I ask growing impatient.
"What happened to not interrupting" he says with a smile.
"Right okay no interruptions" I say sourly.
"To start I must start at the beginning. I was good friends with Marcus, we were as you humans say like brothers. Marcus was a very powerful elder, he had powers stronger than any other elder. No one dared to challenge him afraid of what he could do. One day he met a woman, a human woman at that. She had zero tolerance for Marcus. Marcus was fascinated by this beautiful woman. In all his years he had never met anyone who defied him much less challenged him until her. Its our law not to have any relations with humans. They are food and enjoyment nothing else. Marcus had never broke our laws but with he couldn't help himself. He fell in love with her the moment they met, and she him even knowing what he was and all he had done.
When the elders discovered there romance they ordered Marcus to kill her or face death for them both. Unable to kill the woman he loved they ran away together. Living in hiding as humanely as possible they were together for a few years. Then one day a good friend of Marcus found him and warned him of the Elders plan. Having just discovered his wife being pregnant he didn't want any harm coming to her or their child. One night while his wife played asleep he wrote her a note and disappeared in the night. His plan was to try and reason with the elders and the king. Not wanting to hear reason they interrogated and tortured him trying to get him to give up her location but he wouldn't. They ordered him to eternity in the dungeon, to livr out his days never seeing her again. That hurt him worst because he would never get to see his child, but as long as they were safe he didnt care. I was only a prince at the time and despite my protest and reasoning my father would hear of none of it. " he finishes off his story and its then that I realize I'm crying.
"And his wife, what happened to her" I ask.
"His wife woke to find the letter he had written her. Deep in her heart she knew that she would never see him again. So she did the best she could, she lived her life in hiding so that her baby could be born. The elders ended up finding out where she was and when they found her they discovered she was pregnant. They made the choice to kill them both. They bit her bleeding her dry believing it would kill her and the child only because the child had the blood of an elder she survived. The elders didn't know so when they made it back to Marcus they told him they had killed them both. So through out the years he lived believing that not only his beautiful wife was dead and so was their child. He has lived blaming himself" he finishes off looking me intently in the eye's and I have absolutely no idea of what to say.

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