~Chapter Two~

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~Yoongi's POV ~

I sat down right next to Jungkook and got out my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram until the bell rang. I got my bag and ran down the hallway to my locker and got the books out that I needed and jogged to my classroom. Once I got into the classroom, everyone was staring at me, it made me uncomfortable so I looked down while walking to my seat, but I fell on my face really hard and I looked up and saw Taehyung with his girlfriend smirking at me. " how does the floor feel, you feline? " everyone around us started laughing. "Oh wait, I bet it feels normal because you look like a dumb cat" Jennie said and the laughing became louder. Taehyung put his hand out for him to grab and i tried to grab it but he let go making me fall on my back hard and I started to whimper because of the bruises that Taehyung gave me two days ago. "Aww the baby is going to start crying. Are you going to cry nerd?! " while yelling in my face, but it all stopped when the teacher came in. "Mr Kim please leave Mr Min alone and take your seat." Taehyung nodded, but looked at me and smirked while walking to his seat.I got up slowly and sat down at my seat.

~Time Skip ~

When the bell rang signalling us that this period was over and onto the next class. Everyone was leaving to go to their next class. I left first, because I did not want to run into Taehyung. So I decided to go to my class and left my stuff there to go to the bathroom. Well, that was not a good idea because Taehyung and his friends are here. I was about to leave until....... "Look what we have here". I slowly turned around, but instead I got thrown against the wall harshly and my poor back screamed in pain. I bit my lip hoping the painful tears don't fall down my face. " so, I think we are going to have a fun time today, aren't we Yoongi?" He smirked while saying that and all i can do was gulp down my sobs. He threw me on the ground and start beating me up until they heard the bell. An hour has passed and the bell rang, Taehyung stopped and sighed that he had to stop. He grabs me by the hair and says these words " just give up, no-one loves you anyway". And boy did that hurt, tears threatened to fall but they fell anyways. He held my hair tightly and then he threw me on a ground like trash. He laughs and walks out with his friends. I slowly got up and looked in the mirror while crying softly. I cleaned up and went to my class. I explained that I hurt myself and I was cleaning up in the bathroom. Good thing that the teacher was nice enough to give a warning, I bowed and went to go sit at my seat. I was paying attention to the teacher when suddenly someone started throwing wads of paper at my head, I turned around and I see Taehyung and his friends laughing at me. I just turned around and put my head down while tears fell down my face, but I sat up and wiped away my tears...my tears are useless anyways.

Hope you guys like it and stream Rain from BTS. It is always a good song😁

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