1.0 Chapter 5: Her secrets

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Adrien's POV:

Honestly, why should I even celebrate this birthday. It was good last time. I had a party! Or if you call it a party. But, I did see M'Lady on my birthday last time.

This time I honestly don't know.

I may, I may not see her.

I have to go to patrol with her today. After Roses and Thorns made me say those horrible things about the boy she likes, I doubt she'll talk to me!

(Apprently, you were talking about yourself!)

I just need to calm down.
Plagg pops out with stinky cheese as always. And like always, I plugged my nose.
"Plagg! Take that stinky cheese away from me!"
"But she's so yummy-i mean beautiful!" plagg says, explaining how "beautiful" his camembert is.

I rolled my eyes. How can a kwami love cheese so much?

Honestly?! How?

I watch Plagg fill his mouth with stinky cheese and I shake my head.
"We need to go, Plagg. Come on." I tell him.
"Alright? Just let me get a few-"
"Plagg, Claws Out!" I yell.
Green light engulfs me as Plagg is pulled into my ring.

I take my staff. (changing it to staff. Cause I searched it up and that's what it's called, bare with me, I'm learning as you are)

I raised myself up as I went out the bedroom and through the window.

I see M'Lady on the Eiffel tower as always.
"Hey, Chat." She says.
"Hey, L-Ladybug." I say. I'm worried she's angry, but she's trying to hide it.
"What's up, Kitty?" She asks.
"I-I am sorry for what I said about your crush...Thorns was making me-"
"Chat...my crush doesn't like me. And honestly, I have started giving up on him..." She says.

"M'Lady, as I see it, you never give up. As much as I want you to like me more than just a partner, I also want you to have what you want." I tell her, even so I love her so much.
"How could you say that, Chat? Don't you think if I stop liking him...you might have a chance?" She asks.
"M'Lady, of course I want a chance with you. But not like this. Not when you have fallen for someone else. Not when it's not me. The real me."
"You know we can't know each others identity, Chat." She says.
I chuckle.
"You keep repeating it. I think I know by now..." I say. Sadly.
"I'm sorry, Chat." She says.
"It's not your fault, M'Lady. Now that you are guardian, it's give more the reason that we...don't know each others identity." I sigh.
I can see the frown on her face.
"So...you..." She tries to word out her thoughts.

It's like I can read her mind.
"I'm still in love with you, M'Lady. But protecting you is more important than my feelings. Until ShadowMoth isn't caught, we can't know each others identity." I tell her. As much as I hate saying this to her. But protecting her and her civilian self is more important to me than the feelings I have for her.

She sighs.
I smile at her.
"Don't fear, M'Lady. One day. One day we'll know. One day."

Is the only hope I have for us, M'Lady...

"Okay, Chat. Let's...go to patrol and meet back here." She says. I nod in agreement.

I wish I had someone to talk about my love for her. For Ladybug. But the only person I could is gone forever...

I use my staff to fly roof to roof.

I see Juleka and Rose in the park.

They look happy enough.

I shake my thoughts and see Alya and Nino with Alya's twin sisters walking toward the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

Marinette! Of course. She'll help me through this mess. I don't know why I'm being like Ladybug. Telling her to go for her crush, instead of telling I love her Everytime.

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