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"Hey Koo, what are your plans for prom?" Aria rushed as she sat in the seat next to Jungkook, who jumped slightly as she spoke. He sighed, running his fingers through his thick black hair as he shrugged, still a little lost in thought.

"Dunno, I was planning on just going with friends, probably ditch it early to go to the movies or something," he rested his elbow on the table in front of him and rested his head on his hand. Aria dropped her face slightly and gave him a knowing look.

"And is that really what you wanna do?" she asked, already knowing the answer to the question, even if he didn't want to admit it to her, or even himself. He cocked an eyebrow and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, Ari, that's what I want to do. What about you, what're your plans?" Aria crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back, letting her long hair fall behind her as she crossed her legs and kicked her heal repeatedly off the leg of the chair.

"Well Y/n and I are going prom dress shopping tonight," she emphasized your name as she spoke, and Jungkook stiffened at it, shifting awkwardly in his seat. "And we're going to go together. Unless, of course, someone asks her," she kicked his shin as she finished her sentence. He sighed in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Ari, we've been over this. I can't just ask her to prom. Not now. Not after everything that's happened," he shook his head as his eyes moved to meet hers. The bell rang loudly and the 2 stood up and grabbed their bags, Jungkook towering over Aria as they both began walking down the hallway.

"You know she still asks about you. To make sure you're okay and happy. I don't think she would get angry or anything if you tried to speak to her again, Kook. You're just overthinking it," Jungkook kept his head down as he began to slow his pace.

"I haven't talked to her in years, Ari. I'm sure she won't just forget that because I asked her to the prom. We aren't exactly 13 anymore, not everything can be fixed by asking to hang out and pretending nothing happened," they both came to a stop outside of Aria's classroom and had turned to face each other.

"I know, but it's a start. I know you guys miss each other, even if neither of you will admit it. Please, just think about it, will you?" she asked softly as Jungkook began to turn to go back down the hallway. He turned back slightly to face her and nodded.

"Yeah, sure. See ya," Aria smiled as she walked into her classroom.


"C'mon, guys, it'll be fun!" Aria spoke, trying to convince her friends that venturing out into the forest was a good idea. Aria was the oldest of the three, though only by a few months, as they had all been 12. She was also most confident of them. She had straight black hair and stunning piercing blue eyes to compliment.

"Are you sure it's safe?" you asked, anxiety creeping up on you as you peered behind your friend into the dark forest.

"Of course, it's safe, we'll be right outside the back of my house. If there's any trouble, just head back to the house!"

"Yeah, Y/n, it'll be tons of fun," Chimed in Jungkook, always ready for a good time. The middle of the three had always been the one to keep everyone together. He always made sure no one was left out. His dark brown eyes and endearing crooked smile had always been a source of comfort for you. You were extremely apprehensive up until Jungkook had spoken. It wasn't hard for him to convince you to do anything; even if it didn't go as planned and something happened or you got scared, he was always by your side in an instant, knowing just how to calm you down.

"Okay, let's go explore the forest," you mumbled, still not thinking this was a great idea. Aria sprung out of her seat, bearing a smile so wide it had encompassed most of her face.

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