Chapter 1

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I'm in my apartment alone, jamming along with some HIM on my guitar, when my phone rings. "Hello?" I answer a bit snappy. "Turn the music down! We are practicing!" My brother growls. Right, my dick of a brother in having a band practice next door. "Chris, fuck off." I sneer. "Luna, please." Chris asks trying to sound nice, but failed. "Again. Fuck off!" I say smirking, knowing I'm pissing him off. "Don't make me send TJ over there!" Chris says trying to get under my skin. "Oh now really fuck off! Just because me and TJ almost hooked up, doesn't mean I fucking like him!" I growl pissed. "I was drunk!" I say fuming. "Which is why you shouldn't drink around him!" Chris yells. Chris doesn't like that me and TJ, his guitarist, go out partying together. "Fuck off Christopher!" I growl. "LuLu, please. Can we finish practicing? When we are done I'll come over and plan out your next tattoo." Angelo says bribing me. Damnit! Angelo knows my weakness. Angelo is my brother's drummer, along with my tattoo artist. I get everything done by him and only him. "Fine. But you better come or I'll be pissed." I sigh agreeing. "Thanks LuLu, see you soon." Angelo chuckles hanging up, just as my roommate, Nik walks in. Nik is my best friend and the lead guitarist in our band, Not A Clue. I'm the singer and rhythm guitarist. My brother doesn't know we have a band. Yet. "Lu! Guess what I have?!" Nik grins as I turn the music and amp off. "What? A boyfriend finally?" I tease turning to look at him. Nik is 20, about 5 foot 5, black semi long hair with pink highlights, and gay. "Unfortunately no. But." He trails off holding up two tickets. I look closer and see that they are for my biggest musical influence. HIM. "No. Fucking. Way! HIM!" I squeal excitedly, running up bear hug Nik. "You are so welcome." Nik says laughing hugging me back. "ThankYouThankYouThankYou!" I fangirl like crazy. Nik just stands there laughing. "When?" I question calming down. "This weekend." He answers. I nod understanding just as Angelo walks in, without knocking. Angelo is like another brother to me, a way nicer one at that. Him and Chris started their band Motionless In White about 4 years ago. So I've know Angelo for what seems like forever. "Hey Ange!" I say grinning, still excited about the HIM concert coming up. "Hey LuLu. Ready for planning?" He asks sitting on the couch. Nik left to his room. "Fuck yeah!" I say running to jump beside him on the couch. Angelo is the only one that calls me LuLu. Everyone else calls me Lu or Luna. "So, still wanting the heartagram on your ankle?" Angelo asks pulling out sketch paper. "Uh, duh. And uh, could it be done with in the next few days?" I ask with begging eyes. "Maybe. Why?" He asks with curiosity. "Well, don't tell Chrissy. But I'm going to the HIM concert this weekend." I say bouncing in my seat. "Sweet. I'll have to check what all is going on and I'll let you know when I can do it." Angelo explains smiling. "Thanks Ange. You're the best." I say hugging him. I check the time to see it's almost 3pm and time to get ready for work. "Shit. I gotta go get ready." I groan. "Work?" Angelo asks already knowing. "Yeah. I hate working there." I say pouting. I work at stupid Walmart. It sucks so much. "I know, but at least it's something. Plus they let you off when Motionless goes on tours, so you can work merch for us." Angelo explains grinning. Him and most of the guys love when I go with them. "Yeah but I get hit on all the time by that guy and picked on by everyone else because of my hair and make up." I whine frowning. Yeah, thought it would end after high school, but no. "I'm sorry Lulu. But it'll be okay." Angelo says hugging me. "Thanks Ange." I say getting up to go change. "No problem. But I gotta go too. The shop needs me." Angelo says heading to the door. "Later bro!" I call out from my room. I change into my shitty uniform and fix my hair and make up. I get picked on because I have black hair with blue fringe and tips. Also because I wear dark make up and have snakebites. But I don't draw my eye brows on like my brother. As I'm walking out the door Nik stops me. "Lu, don't forget. Our practice is at Zero's later." Nik says reminding me. Like I'd forget my own bands practice. "Thanks mum!" I say sarcastically. Nik smiles a fake 'fuck you too' smile. "I'll call Zero when I get off." I sigh walking out to my car. Zero is our drummer, but Zero isn't really his name, its Max. Everyone calls him Zero because he's obsessed with the anime Vampire Knight. Plus he looks alot like the character. Silver blonde hair, cut in the same style, 6 foot 3, he's 21, and wears purple contacts, which are totally awesome as fuck. His sister is our bassist Lennyx, but everyone calls her Nyx. She has midnight black hair, 5 foot 2, 19, and has a septum piercing and angel bites. I'll pull up to work and get out in time to see John, the guy that won't stop hitting on me, walking up. Fucking kill me please. "Hey Luna!" John says walking up to my door. "Uh, hey John." I say faking a smile, hiding a sigh. "So, I was wondering, if you aren't busy this weekend, if you wanted to check out that new movie?" John asks hopefully while walking inside with me. "Sorry I can't. I already have plans with my roommate." I say clocking in. "Awe, come on. Ditch them. Please." He begs. "Can't." I say walking away. Why won't he give the fuck up? Work sucked, like always. I am so glad I finally get to leave. I clock out as quickly as I can, almost running to my car. I pull out my phone and call Zero. "Luna! Where are you?" Zero whines. "Leaving work. What's wrong?" I ask worried. "Nyx! She won't stop!! Making me listen to Britany Spears!" He whine sobbed. "Oh fuck!" I say trying to hide my laugh. "Please help!" He demands painfully. "I'll be there in a few." I say letting a giggle escape. "Hurry!" Zero yells as I hang up. I die laughing while stopped at a redlight. Soon I pull up to Zero and Nyx's place and see Nyx chasing Zero around with her phone blaring 'Oops I Did It Again'. I fall out of my car laughing so hard I can barely breathe. Once I recover we head down to the basement to start practice. We start of with one of our HIM covers, 'You're Sweet Six Six Six'. Then we go to one of our originals, 'Just One Of The Same', Nik and I wrote it about our ex's. My ex, Charlie, was just ugh. A piece of total shit. Nik's ex, he cheated on him with a slutty chick. He was bi. After practicing a few more songs I get a call from Chris saying mum wanted us over for dinner. "Guys, I have to go." I say after hanging up with Chris. "What? Why! Don't we have our post practice ritual to do?" Nyx protest. "I can't tonight. Gotta go to the parents." I explain. Our post practice ritual is to go out to get pizza and wings. "That sucks! But fine." Nyx says pouting. "I'll see you guys later." I say packing up my guitar and heading out to my car. This should be fun. Dinner with the family usually ends with me getting bitched out that I'm not going to college. I sigh turning up some of my brother's music. It may seem like Chris and I hate each other, but we are really close. We just like pissing each other off. I pull up to my parents at the same time Chris does. I get out sighing and walk over to him. "Luna, it'll be okay. Just don't say anything that will get dad started on the subject." Chris says hugging me tightly. "I know, just. I'm tired of hearing it." I frown as we reach the door. "I'll keep them busy with my band banter." Chris smiles opening the door. I silently thank Chris as I follow him into the kitchen. We see mum finishing up dinner. "Hey you two." Mum smiles hugging us. "Hey mum." Chris and I both say. "Where's dad?" Chris asks. "Working late. So is just us three." She says hanging us our plates. Thank whatever is out there! Dad is usually the one that's jumping me about college. We sit down and start eating while Chris does most of the talking. "Have you found a new bassist yet?" I ask hopeful. "Maybe. He's flying in soon." Chris answers excitedly. Good, because I hated the last two guys they had. Kyle, the first one, was a dick. Frank, the other one, just didn't like me. He treated me like dirt. After dinner, Chris and I head home. We live in the same apartment complex. Dad only agreed that I could move out at 17 if I lived with Chris or close to him. So we ended up living next door to each other. That's how TJ and I got close. He taught me how to play guitar. I got home and went straight to bed. I have a morning shift at work tomorrow. So I fall asleep thinking of the concert coming up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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Horror Bats (A Ricky 'Horror' Olson and Matt 'Bats' Patlan)Where stories live. Discover now