Chapter Nineteen "Realization"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{3:00 p.m.}

Nadwe stayed with Meme and Muffin for a while, making sure the murderer didn't show up all of sudden. After the rain had turned smaller,he teleported back into the cave,still a bit soaking wet from the rain.

Nadwe looked up and saw the orange spaceman spacing out in the corner of the cave. "Socks?" he asked but not earning a response from him. He first thought it was Socks zoning out too much but soon realised he was invisible to him.

"Socks!" Nadwe shouted as he turned visible,making the spaceman flinched as he looked up in annoyed. "Don't scared me like that! And where were you just now?!" Socks asked aloud.

"I was keeping Meme and Muffin warm in the rain so they won't caught a cold" Nadwe answered,not telling the part where Meme kinda saw him. "And did you got caught by anyone of them?" Laff asked,appearing out from nowhere.

"Holy- Please don't do that again,I might get a heart attack cause of this" Socks joked,got scared by Laff sudden appearance. Nadwe ignored the spaceman comment as he nervously answered the British man.

"N-No... I did it when they both passed out"

Laff looked at him in suspicious,making Nadwe even more nervous. "I was telling half of the truth so.. I think that doesn't count as a lie..." Nadwe thought as he but his lips nervously.

"Great! Now did you saw Dino? He supposed to be back right now with you" Laff questioned once again. Nadwe shook his head at him in response. "No. Dino left earlier than me but I'm sure he is with Woolf and the others" he answered.

Laff nodded slowly. "Why do I had a bad feeling about this..." he thought as he flied out the cave again and flied towards Woolf and the others.

Back in the cave, Socks and Nadwe were alone in the cave again with silence. They both made eye contact with each other but didn't said anything. The atmosphere became silent for a while until Nadwe spoke up.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault that I ran away but I got what I deserve" Socks looked at him in surprise. "I'm sorry too. We shouldn't be that overprotective over you and Muffin and maybe if I answer your question that time,you might won't ran away at all." He said in guilty.

Nadwe smirked as he spoke. "So,you won't mind me asking what happened next right now without declining me?" Socks gave him an annoyed look as he answered. "I could give you answers if you want but after the explosion situation,everything is mess up so I can't really tell what happened next"

The 14 year old nodded in response as he and the spaceman started talking their own things in the cave while waiting for Laff and Dino to come back.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{3:10 p.m.}

Tbh's eyes shot up as he heard a scream full of terrified as he woke up. He groaned as he sat up from the hard stone ground. He looked towards the direction of the sound source and saw the person who screamed was Woolf.

"Woolf...why are you screaming..." Joocie said with tiredness in his tone as he was also woken up the same way as Tbh. Tbh looked around and saw Blaza wasn't around so he guessed that Blaza went out for food,fresh air or other stuffs.

"T-Tbh isn't b-breathing!" Woolf yelled in horror. The crab eyes widen as he heard what the wolf just said. He saw himself lying on the stone ground not moving at all with black liquid coming out from his own mouth.

Joocie immediately went over to Woolf as he saw the lifeless body. Tbh looked at his own hand as he saw it was see through. "I'm dead..? How?" Tbh thought as he was terrified,didn't know what to do right now.

"How did this happen...?" Tbh heard Joocie asked. "I-I woke up and saw something coming out from Tbh's mouth in a distance so I went to check up and he was already in this state." Woolf answered with fear in his tone.

"So... he died while we were sleeping?" Joocie questioned once again. Woolf was quiet for a while until he nodded in response. "Why are we so dumb?! Now we lost another friend!" Joocie shouted out loud.

Woolf looked around as he asked. "Hey... Where's Blaza?" Joocie paused as he looked around too and noticed Blaza wasn't there too. "Oh god! Did you think he got captured or something?!" He said in fear as he looked at Woolf.

Woolf was about to answer when a voice interrupted him. "Hey guys! What...are you doing...?" They both turned their heads as they saw Blaza standing at the entrance of the cave.

Tbh looked up at the source of Blaza voice too but he saw something else which made him eyes widen in surprise. He saw the familiar British man floating at the entrance of the cave,looking at Blaza in suspicious.


The gas man looked at Tbh as he heard his name and was shocked for a while before he calmed down. "Guess I have a lot of explaining for you" He said as Tbh raised an eyebrow at him.

Chapter Nineteen kinda short-

Summary: Socks and Nadwe finally solved their awkward fight while Laff went out to search Dino. Tbh had became a sprit and met Laff at the cave.

This chapter is like a little more details for you boys and girls only.
Hope the next chapter is longer...🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm running out of titles ideas

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 965

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