●chapter six●

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Rimuru POV
I applied the guy my full healing potion on the man body while tanjiro and the others expect from veldora,ramiris and milim are looking where the roar come from.

'That should do it'

As I waited for Raphael to give me the report about his condition.

'Note:heart rate is stabilize from life threat situation' Raphael announced.


As I see the man eyes twitching to open up his eyes and mouth to breath properly.

"Wha-Whats going on?I thought I was going to die" he exclaimed as he sat up away from tanjiro arms.

"W-w-what?how is he alive?!" Exclaimed zenitsu as I felt something weight on my back to turn to see zenitsu who is shaking and clinging my clothes.

"It's not possible" tanjiro said in disbelief as he check for the guy wounds as I sighs.

'How am I going to explain this to him?😥😥😥'

"Maybe luck?!" I said with a nervously laugh and scratched my hair at th1e back as he doesn't looks convince.

'Please don't ask'

"Anyway tanjiro,the roar that comes from the mansion is a demon,right?" I ask him as I cut off any chance of him to speak and change the topic.

"Eh?....huh right" he said in uncertain but shake it off because of the mission ahead.

'Thank goodness!'

"He....he isn't our brother was wearing a yellowish brown clothing" The boy said who has his sister in his arms as tanjiro stand up.

"Zenitsu!!let's go!" He called out but stop to see him shivering in fear as my sweat drop at this.

'I Should have expected this from him😅'

"I see.I understand" tanjiro said as he turn around to walk towards the entrance till zenitsu cling to him.

"Yahhhhh---what is it---!!Don't look at me with that face full of fury--I'll come along okay!!" He said in a whinny tone that makes me cover my ears.

'Jeez he is even louder than ramiris and veldora'

"I don't plan on forcing you to come" tanjiro said as zenitsu shouts.

"I'll come along as well--" zenitsu said as tanjiro went towards the children who was clinging together as he kneel down to talk to them as he place the box that holds nezuko inside as I look at the man I saved.

"You there" I call out to him as he looks at me in confusion.

"I want you to look after these kids and the box especially,it is very dear to us" I said to him as he slightly nod till ramiris fly next to me as the man gasp

"Ramiris,I want you to stay and look after these people while i go in with milim to help tanjiro and zenitsu for a while,okay?" I ask her as she gasp in shock.

"Aaahh!But I want to come and help" she said as I sighs.

"Do you want to hunt the demons with him" I pointed at zenitsu as she quickly shake her head in denial but pouted.

"I give you the final volume if you stay here and look after them" I suggest to her as she beam in excitement as I gave her the volume and turn to veldora.

"And you too veldora if you stay here" I said to him with a smirks as his jaw drop.

"Nani?!" He exclaimed and reach for the manga which I gladly give it to him.

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