「 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚗. 」

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Boruto's Pov.

By the time we had finished the last mission Dad and him were already back. How were we there for a whole week?
I walked through the streets as I put my hands in my pocket.
"Boruto." Someone called my name.
"Yes?" I replied.
"We have a new mission."
"Already, huh?"
"Let's just go."

We entered the Hokage's room, waiting for the rest of the team.
"Ahhh, Boruto, Kawaki. You're a little early." Dad laughed.  I sweatdropped. How are you so cheerful all the time?
"You called, we came," I replied in a monotonous tone.
"Sakura was also more than happy when I can back." He continued.  I just stood there and stared, waiting for him to complete.
"We're here." The other two entered.
"Finally," I whispered.
"Stop arguing for once..." Dad put his hand on his head, "You guys really remind me of when we were younger..." He sighed, "And I don't mean that in a good way."
"Are you going to give us a mission or not?"
"Yes, I am. There have been sightings of fake shinobi...mostly from the Sand."
"Why does that require the four of us?" Kawaki asked. True...we are highly skilled shinobi. Genin are fine for this mission.
"They are a little more troublesome than that. Rumours are they are part of a bigger gang. Usually, we would've given this to other chunin but...I have a bad feeling about this." He finished.
"You want us to kill them?" I asked.
"Don't kill them. Lock them up in the nearest village."
"I can't guarantee that," I replied.
"Listen to the Hokage for once," Mitsuki spoke up.
"If they fight back," I turned around to leave the room, "I'll fight back harder."

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Shinki's Pov.

"How long have they been after you?" She asked as we made our way to the village.
"About nine months now. They have been following me around since I left the village."
"What are they after?"
"That I do not know. I'll ask her in person." I saw her take out her Kunai's and throw it at the bushes as they fell. How did I not notice anyone? She slowly walked towards it.
A man deeply wounded with kunai's stuck all over his body.
"Doesn't seem like there are more of you." She looked around. The guy took a kunai out of his arm and was about to stab himself. I can't stop him in time- In a flash, Y/n grabbed his hand a centimetre before it could pierce his skin.
"Now...that's not a very good idea..." The man winced in pain as she tied him to the tree, "Who are you guys?" She asked.
"I will not tell you." She stared into his eyes, a second later, he started screaming in pain, "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" He wailed.
"Will you tell us now?"
"Akuma clan..." My eyes widened. Akuma clan? but they... "Lady Sa-" He was cut off by kunai with an explosion tag on it.
"Watch out!" I shouted as it detonated. Instinctively, I covered us with my iron sand.
A moment later my sand fell as no traces of the guy was left. I looked to where the kunai came from, ready to follow them.
"Wait." She called out, "There's no point."
"I'll catch up to them in no time," I argued.
"As I said, there's no point...they disappeared."

Y/n said there was a cave close by and we should set camp there. We reached there in a couple of minutes and it was pretty well hidden.
"What do you mean they disappeared?" I finally asked.
"Their chakra vanished." I pursed my lips, Her level of sensing is pretty good. I heard only the Yamanaka clan is this good. "Why did you look surprised when he mentioned Akuma clan?" She asked, cutting off my thoughts. I sat down comfortably around the fire Y/n had made. She got out some food we got from the other village.
"Around fifty years ago, the Akuma clan used to live in the Sand Village. The leader of the clan wasn't satisfied with the power they had over the village and attacked them. Luckily for us, there was a spy amongst them and notified the elders about the coup. If that hadn't happened...the Sand would cease to exist. The spy, Akuma Taiyuu was made an elder sometime after the incident. But that's not where it ended."
"Akuma...Taiyuu. I feel like I've heard the name before." She said as she put her hand on her chin.
"You probably heard variations of the story while travelling as no one learnt it. Not even the Sand. I only know this because I'm the future Kazekage. Otherwise...she's forgotten." I took a sip of water, "She was the youngest Elder there, only twenty. Because of that, aside from the fact she was an Akuma, the rest never listened to her which really angered her. She planned something. On the nineteenth of January, she killed the wife of the Kazekage right after she gave birth to my dad."
"I thought she died because of childbirth." I shook my head.
"No. They hid the truth from the village with that lie. Only the Elders and my family knows about it."
"What happened to Taiyuu then?"
"She threatened to take dad but the Kazekage fought back of course. During that battle, she ended up sealing Shukaku, the one-tailed beast inside my dad. The Akuma clan are great at sealing, matching the Uzumaki's. In the end, they said she lost the battle and died...but her body was never found." I finished the story.
"So...it can't be Taiyuu...the man said 'Sa'. I might have an idea who it is." She looked at me. I thought the same as well.
"Could it be..." I started.
"Her daughter." She finished my sentence. I nodded my head.

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Boruto's Pov.

We set out for the mission immediately.
"We're going to split up and do the job." Sarada started, "Mitsuki and Boruto, Kawaki and I."
"Are you crazy?!" Kawaki looked at her, "They'll tear each other apart!"
"Calm down, Kawaki. I'll complete the mission no matter what and I'm assuming Mitsuki is going to do that same. Anyway, I've moved past that. Let's just start." I said as Sarada sighed. 
"Kawaki and I'll move towards the Land of Lightning while you and Mitsuki will move towards Land of Wind." We all nodded our head, "Oh, and one last thing."
"Shinki has been missing for nine months now. If there is any chance he is involved, get him back." She finished.
"Got it."
"Okay, disperse!"

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A/n- I literally don't know what to write lol. One of the reasons why I took some time to update except for the fact I was busy hehe.

Is there anything specific you guys want to see in the story? Do tell me in the comments.

Hope you guys are doing well.

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now