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Samuel's POV:

I practice my lines in front of the mirror in the bathroom. "Her cover, of the smallest whims of grass-" My dad walks in his eyes sunken. My words get stuck in my throat. I turn around to face him. He walks toward me slowly. Trying to intimidate me. I stand up taller. "You practicing?" I nod. But there is something I've been wanting to say to him for a while but he's either not there are drunk out of his mind. This morning he seemed to be a bit more sober than he has been in a while. "Why do we need to make the money for you. I think you should try to find yourself a job." He strikes me across the face. I taste blood. "Because I'm your father and I make the rules!" He says, his voice is harsh. "Now go over your lines for me." I roll my eyes and face the mirror. I see the blood running down my chin from my lip. I take in a deep breath and begin from where I got rudely interrupted. "Her cover, of the  whims of grasshoppers. Her traces of the smallest spiders web. Her colour of the moon shines watery beams. Her width of crickets bone." My dad raises his hand telling me to stop. "Good job kiddo." His mood changes scare me.

I take out a little box thing and set it on the ground. I place my had in front and stand on said box thing. And start my lines.

Y/N's POV:

I see a large crowd and go to check it out. There's a boy preforming Shakespeare. I watch in awe. He was amazing. It was easy to tell that he was passionate. The fact that he had it all memorized was also incredible. He had a sort of presence even though it was only him in front of all those people. Once he finishes he bows. The crowd claps and I join in. He deserved it. When they separate, I go up to him and hand him the money. "That was incredible." I say. He looks up from the hat on the ground and smiles. "Thanks." His answer was short. I notice a cut on his lip it looked fresh. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to your mouth?" He shrugs. "Got in a fight at school yesterday." I laugh. "It's Sunday." He chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his neck. "Oh yea. What I mean is I got in a fight at school then I tripped and opened the cut again." I smile. He was flustered. "I'm Samuel of Sam or Sammy. Some people call me Sam I Am." I smile he was sweet. "I'm Y/N or Y/N/N." He shakes my hand. "Wanna go get Ice-cream?" It was a hot day so I figured he might want some. He looks at his watch and shrugs. "Sure. I've got time."

On our way back he hands me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. I smile and give him my number. And with that we go our separate ways.

Samuel's POV:

I give the money that I gained to my dad, he counts through it. "Did you steal from me?" I knew this question was coming and feared it. Because whatever I say he doesn't believe me. "No sir." He scoffs, he grabs my face and makes me look at him. "I know damn well you made more than this!" I rip his hand away from my face. "I swear on my life. I didn't steal anything!" He pins me agains the wall, knocking the breath out of me. I let out a gasp. "You listen to me boy, if you don't own up to your actions. I'm going to beat the shit out of you." I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "And your brother isn't here to protect you." I kick him in the nuts and run out the door. I run as far as I can from that house. I was shaking. God I hated that stupid house. I look back and then run into someone. I fall but jump right back up. Y/N is standing in front of me. "Sam!?" I dust my self off, trying to slow my breathing. "Hey you out for a run? Cool me too. Wanna run together? Great!" I take her by the wrist and start dragging her.

"Sam. Tell me what's going on. What happened?" I let out a sigh. She was going to figure it out sooner or later. Might as well get it over with. "I need you to promise to not freak out and ask a shit ton of questions. Okay?" She nods.

"Is that what really happened to your lip?" I nod slowly and put my head down. She pulls me into a hug and I start to cry. Something I hadn't been able to do in a long time. My dad always told me that if I cry it means I am weak. He's beat me until I stopped crying from it. But he knows it still effects me. "It's okay. I know somewhere you can stay tonight." She takes my hand gently and leads me away.

She opens the door to an abandoned house and I am surprised to see fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. Y/N's face glowed in the light. "Welcome to my house." She gestures to the entire room. "You live here alone?" I ask. She nods and sits on a bean bag chair with a patches all over it. She motions me to sit beside her. I do so and she lets out a sigh. "They left me when I was younger. I don't know where they went. But who gives a fuck about them." She had a point. "Yea. I know I don't." She gives me a kind smile. "We should stick together." She nods. And closes her eyes. "Goodnight Sam." She says with a yawn I tell her goodnight and close my eyes.

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