changer one

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My  name is Daved Basd aka Dall man.  My power grow  up big grant but all way want be   a boy  come a girl . I on  earth K into city call  kcaye East land. Name by  in  the 12 big people  some  moon labs, one at bank , school, Doctor, police, they fire  track,other kids do thing I will find good time man fix it . When we  get 18 we go earth K2 I know  about it when the king  clean up OK.  We  will fix it, we tream 3time get all time  with ABDCSK. The start on earth K on Earth A super hero.  Doll man vs stone man  he blew up road &shops  beat up kids . Weathness, meind ,Acompstne, all size kick,  into  earth A to two all netters. Stone man  use  stone, fast  people blew up cars  doll man  say  doll grant & he  come grant doll use punch, kick me  punch in stomer. The foe hard feel it kick stone them  stone out the road  Doll man use  Iron,Rope beat stone  man so good the police pull super truck  take to Jail.

ON we find a plane azae food , Juices all friends  meet all  muise. The cafe, bar  name  great star world .They road  comic super, love,Earth K . Daved basd meet a shiend Aier patty  brown hair,  good size a soft voices, eat sweet food , juices.  Next Daved Basd said we will win now  they not run so we hard win . We super  people  hear waethness  tream come back to earth K stone  man  call up all foe friends stop it.but weshness know about it so  they   reach of the foes. Stone man ,Inman, IDman,Ice man   run  in stone  man thew rock, stone, Inman fire , water,wings .ID man rowbuts Iec man stuck , ball, arrow. Super tissue man, catch speed , ex speed fire man us fire thew all foe , water girls use water, Ice. All the foe loses we win great. Daved Basd talk to shiend Aier  work clothes ,  school praty at they kiss, fell in love start  make clothes . Stone man aka Anea brown at  party druak   hard  friend too. Daved, Shiend  start sex into restroom next time Daved  father come  take out room now &said you start sex No Dask  No sex take  pask you have  body  you live with good OK boy . So they sex soft sweet  time. Daved, shiend into love  full. Flowers garden azae girl by water pole , red rose, yellow rose, fish in water   swin sort sweet candles blue, red , yellow. Rowbut sea heroes.

Next Iec man in town start Iec thing  like  cars , build, houses more things  Daved Basd tell next time I go now  next friends it. So Doll man run down  town I will stop man  say Doll man  punch him  hard fast  me cold  but you go down I win you . Iec  man win doll man but   clothes make use some friend. Daved basd tell cold stop clothes girl  me him . She no will not make it you of  So super tissue man  make one with some fire too. Daved Basd love  it next  time  Iec man show up you man win. So  you need  tra to punch , kick get good Doll man  looking out Ice  man  but he not  come again. Doll man vs ID man
ID man   rowbut  they fight doll man  beat  up stop fix ID  man he try to tell world WO you man. He lose &win Doll man help Super tissue man. Daved basd bate Shield Aier at good Cafe new muise, Juice cell super way. She  find doll man  he is hero  so she use power   fire ball. They fight  fire ball mad lady like dance we fight on ball way top so she great fight , power. Shiend Aier  meet up Daved Basd at super star  sheet they great cafe , Juice.

Doll man vs fire ball lady
Dallman  fight fire  ball lady. She use  fire ball fast carboor thew at doll man.  Doll man here clothes stop fire. He use boors stop fire  next he punch down she so sexy , azae get up fly off. Daved  basd  meet girl name raiut saird at rocket Ie .  They talk to kiss  number kiss on hand. Daved  went to school party   and he  in  raiut Saird  love to Dance  with him. So good  it  make Shrined aier  mad so she get some one  to dances too. King,  and Queen at  party  good looking  they  Arias Lovins,  she is  queen ,  Meart Mailed  he  is king. Raiut  stairs  walk to the  car so sheind   tier run to  her start   fight  her  said stop get  man & go on look her man . Sheind  punch  in  face   raiut  she punch  back  at   sheind they fight  long 2 sounds.

Doll man vs  Training  rowbuts 
The  rowbuts  has  fast, stoned, fire .so  doll man  stronger  take rock  thew at the  rowbuts . He fast on  catch fire , greats and  other things .  The Rowbut hid on the  training  ground. They  jump  and throw things  at I.  Doll man  all ways fist  at rowbut hard to  the body. Next doll man run and punch  into face, Stomed  , beat it. Next  he throw at top beard  to rowbuts , next  people   the train. He run and jump in rowbut blew up, race  rowbut like ,my self one hero back. Doll man fight hard & great the training end &Pain. He went to cafe eat  food chicken, rice, Gage bear. He friends , girl they went city star fun lovely , friends  to talk but friend went  away, raivt saird  come to Daved next see  is friend at the cafe and catch up  and  eat food in the cafe. They   talk together into the cafe.  The cafe is full with people they talk about  doll man  is the hero the city. Next  it time  soon  go hour away now.

Doll man training to fight  a look rowbut black like  god of war  make great time. So he  punch hard in the middle  stomed , face , neck so  rowbut  start  punch fast  catch not  Doll man  make   beak up  with  punch thew  Irons into it.  The  rowbut  thew  cars , things  doll man  win it  great  time  to  bata girl friend  she  but full  the  plane  buy  chicken brown , yam,  bamae  she  love  it  he  buy  great,  chicken ,  yam, bamae  , nice  too  they  has  sex in batch room  great OK .  Doll man  vs  Crazy  Ice lady 
She  love  Ice  star  blew up bank, cars  he  punch  out   she  is  the  false  one  use  Diame  Ice   doll  man  run  to  a carboor so  she   get  way  but  doll man  try to stop her  she  hate  fire ball  mad  lady they  not  friends  doll man too.  Fire ball  mad lady  start call crazy Ice lady to fool Iec lady   but doll  man said  they sexy , great body   but  they   come  Jail. Doll man  love  girls sexy , clean . Daved basd  start  date new girl name Casir Saiet  she  into build body  so sexy black  skin, went to  pearly. They  has  fun  with Ice cream,   popcorn , roses, moves, muse she fell in love  Daved.

Doll man vs crazy fire  ball lady
Doll man  make a super  clothes to help  with  fire , Iec , point. She try  to fire  up  you  & thing too.  He win it and she lose  it .  Next she run away  doll man find out she is Shiend Aier sexy body ,sweet boobs.  Doll man the Daved basd meet  up Shiend Aier she love  Daved  basd beat  with  sex hard great. She tell he about work at cafe . Daved basd  work at shop sell. Doll man  and  Crazy fell  ball lady.  Daved Basd  new  girl  friend she  is  nice ,  sexy, great  black  hair  casir  sasir  she look like  crazy  fires   lady she  her sister.  Daved  Basd  beat  friend  name  taid serda  he  knows about  doll  man  he is leaf  man   Casir  sasir  said  Daved is a boy  friend  I  love  him  so  great it &handsome one.

Doll man vs leaf man

They train  with other hard &punch, kick. In a  false  cities doll man thew  thing at  leaf man thew  at too.   He  leaf man  cut up you & thing so good  doll man  said I will stop training with you  hate  power he. Doll man try new move  to fight rowbut super man  the  RowBut fast, with all power  the super man but leaf  man  put  the level.  He put to 5 so Doll man  baet it at 45 great into55 super man. Start  win but  doll man  baet  good  a long time  train  with it .  Next day  we will train  with  false  Justan juslles  they  team  more  great  thing  back.  Doll man training  false  wonder woman doll man know the Wonder  woman not stop fight . so long we stand with her.  Doll man VS Rowbut green Light  land green  land their  make thing punch, Carboor , more thing  blew way . Doll man thew cars , thing boor  but green light  catch it beat doll with boor & punch  thought it into  rowbut, doll man use ball attend like  beak ball fell into vieder . Doll man great  beat the  rowbut  start win he hard,  Doll man said next time I will win it work on my weak &win.

Daved  Basd  start training  kids at  games  he train football great get time in  games. They train  hard football  team red fox they want to silier great.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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