(The Sayian Saga, Part 1- Raditz's Arrival)

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(Credit to the person who made the cover image for this part! Also, Goten in this story will be called 'Gohan') " It has been a couple of years since Goku's and Demon King Piccolo's son Match in The World Tournament and Since Goku and Chi-Chi got married and had their son, " Gohan " Who looked exactly like Goku. Goku around this time, has of course- been training for his next match against Piccolo. Like I said before, Piccolo.Jr is the son of Demon King Piccolo. Demon King Piccolo was a very, very, evil being. Who died against a Kid Goku. You see, Demon King Piccolo was trying to take over the entire earth but Goku wouldn't let him, Goku was the protector of earth and he wasn't about to let some green big guy destroy it.  So they fought. However, in the end, Demon King Piccolo failed and was killed by Goku. In his last dying breath, he spat out an egg with gave birth to His son, Piccolo.Jr. Piccolo.Jr 3 years later tried to get his revenge on Goku for killing his father. So in the world tournament Piccolo.Jr exacted his revenge, however just like his father, he failed but Goku let him live so he can have another fight with him another day. And ever since then, Piccolo has been plotting his revenge against Goku again. However, a new threat is coming to Earth, and Piccolo and Goku might have to settle their differences later. " A pod crash lands in a field and A being steps out of it " What the hell!?! This planet is meant to be in Ashes! Not alive! " Raditz said angrily. " DANMIT KAKAROT! " He yelled! " HEY! YOU! " A farmer yelled. Raditz looked at the farmer. " Y-you.. Uhh.. better get of my land! You... alien! " The farmer said scared out of his mind. Raditz used his scouter to read the farmers powerlevel. He only had a power level of 5. " A power level of 5? What weak trash. "  Raditz turned off his scouter and proceeded to walk to the farmer. "HEY! I-Uh... I SAID STAY BACK! " The Farmer yelled as he shot his gun at Raditz. However, Raditz caught the bullet. The Farmer was now very scared about his fate. " Pathetic Trash... " Raditz said as he flicked the bullet back at the Farmer. The Farmer was soon flung back into his truck due to how fast the bullet hit his chest. The Farmer died on impact from the bullet. " These Earthlings are really pathetic. " Raditz said, but then his scouter picked up a high-power level. " Maybe that's Kakarot... " He said to himself. As he began to fly in the direction of where the power level was.
~Piccolo's point of view~
Piccolo was just meditating. Thinking to himself- " Danm you Goku! I will get my re- " Piccolo's thoughts went to a stop has he synced a very large Ki signature coming his way. He turned around and looked up in the sky. " WHAT THE HELL IS THAT POWER?!?! " Piccolo yelled. " HEY! YOU DOWN THERE! ARE YOU KAKAROT? IF YOU ARE, STAY THERE! I WANT TO TALK TO YOU! " Raditz yelled as he landed near Piccolo. " Oh... No, you aren't. " Raditz said. Piccolo replied with- " Oh yeah. I got green skin, Pointy ears, Antennas, and no Eyebrows. 'I' must be the person you're looking for. " Piccolo was kinda angry and annoyed. " Oh, a smartass huh? I don't like Smartasses. " Raditz said smiling. " If it's a fight you want... You got it. " Piccolo responded with as he got into a fighting position. " Hehehe... You don't stand a chance. "  Raditz used his scouter and checked Piccolo's power level. It read a power level of 320. " A power level of 320? Impressive. But not as impressive as mine. " Raditz said cocky as hell. Raditz than began to charge a Ki attack. Piccolo kept his guard up. " Keep your eye on thi- " Raditz stopped at what he was saying as his scouter picked up a higher power level. " Well then... " Raditz said. " Goodbye green man. " Raditz said as he flew off to the direction of the power the scouter was picking up. " What the hell!?! Who was that?!? What was that?!? " Piccolo said. Piccolo thought for a moment. " I must follow him to see where he's going. " Piccolo said in his mind. Piccolo then- began to fly in the direction of where Raditz was heading to going. ~To be continued~
(Welp that's the end of Part 1 of this story! I hope you will like Part 2 of this What if Story! When I- make it that is...)

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