How I feel

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Today's September 11th, 2021; the tragic 20th anniversary where America went under an attack that killed nearly 3000 people at the World Trade Center. Those we we're told who were responsible was a terrorist group called al-Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden; also the founder of the shit group. We finally killed him in 2011, on May 2nd. We, meaning the United States military; specifically the Navy Seals, Seal Team 6 by member Rob O'Neill.
When we were attacked that day, on September 11th, 2001, the media flooded us with the "facts" which, at that time, was pretty convincing. In hours, we were told names of the hijackers & even the organization responsible for the attack. News stations were saying things that didn't happen, yet, but crazy as it was, they eventually did. I remember one reporter said, "Live" on news stations like CNN, that Building 7 collapsed, but as the reporter is saying it, the building's standing, intact, right behind him. Yet, 30 minutes later it falls in its own footprint?
In a matter of hours, before darkness fell, we knew not only the group "responsible" for the track, but one name went across every American tv screen and in an instant they're was a direct hate against anyone that was Muslim; the name Bin Laden became public enemy Number 1. After a few days, America started getting more information of the ones connected with the hijacking. Strange things started happening, like 2 passports surviving the flight 93 crash, conveniently. Satam al Suqami & Abdul Aziz Haznawi were on that flight that was heading to the state capital. Just strange things all over the whole situation.
Then we have Muhammad Atta who was an arrogant son of a bitch who had to be told repeatedly by his flight instructor in South Florida's that he wasn't the best pilot, and we're talking by a single engine plane, not having the capability to operate a Boeing 767. The skills and training to pull off what was pulled off was just too iffy. Two books turned me on to what I consider truth because it comes from the actual architects and engineers of 9/11 & the physics that even terrorists or media can't fake. The first book's called "Architects and Engineers of 9/11 Truth & the other is "Why America Slept"
Things just seemed to be convenient that day that made helping our people more difficult; like NORAD conducting operations away from Manhattan and the kind of training that were conducted were a little suspect; like operations of hijacking airliners and using them as missiles towards target buildings. They had, according to the government reports that's available to everyone on the internet, that 20 other planes were being investigated of a possible hijacking, so confusion to say the least was at a max level. All these different things and all the media with their mixed "facts" is just overwhelming and makes believing their narrative unreliable. I just don't. Two things happened after that; Cyber Security & Government Interference.
I joined the Army at 17, I was so young that I couldn't legally enlist, I had to join the Army's Delayed Entry Program until I was 18. I signed up to be in a combat unit as a Cavalry Scout with a heavy unit; meaning primarily I was on a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and sometimes I'd be in a humvee, but we'd patrol in and out of these neighborhoods to do whatever we needed to do. I spent 15 months in the streets of Baghdad, Iraq & personally helped train, with my unit on several different occasions, the IA, or the Iraqi Army.
I served with a QRF, Quick Reaction Force while in 2006, patrolling the streets during the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, which was a huge and a controversial subject for the people of Baghdad, Iraq and Iraq as a whole. I was a gunner on a humvee that night, and I remember hours after the election and voting stuff ended we were securing the residents from the small groups that were going around and trying to get any of the locals they saw partake in the election deal. Sharia Law was a very controversial subject over there.
I spent 15 months getting to know the locals in the area we'd patrol & protect. You can spend a month with someone and get a certain attachment to them and their situation & their story and more than half the time, they live great lives. Imagine getting close to people that are, every day, in fear for the lives of their women & daughters from being raped, beaten and sold off. Boys are kidnapped and taken for pleasure and soldiers. Kids would run up to our vehicles, happy because they knew when we were in the area, any guys working with al-Qeada would leave the area for a few days and then come back.
We wouldn't just patrol the streets, that didn't work and didn't do good for them, or us. We went door to door and met with the locals on the streets of Baghdad. We questioned people & we questioned the kids when they were out on the streets alone. We'd ask about certain people we'd see that looked suspicious, or that people would seem to be avoiding. We'd watch for their body language & what they would do in the markets. If people needed anything like food & water we'd give off our own tracks. When kids would be scared or babies would cry, we'd help calm them down & play with them. We'd try to keep everyone calm in every situation because that's what was needed. To keep calm in uncalm situations; be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. After 15 months, yeah, some of them we got close to.
Like me and my unit , many other units had situations very similar to what we encountered. And, this is just a short fought draft of some of the many encounters with the locals and the relationships we built by our own time and effort. Every day came a new risk.
So, where does that leave us now in 2021? Today, 20 years later on September 11th? Well, I'm ashamed. At one point, I personally trained at Fort Knox, Kentucky and one thing, out of many critical things I learned, is we don't leave our people. No man left behind, dead or alive, and we left over 200 of our own people when Biden did his withdrawal. He left billions of dollars of equipment, weapons and vehicles to our enemy that will now kill many of who we protected over the last 20 years. Like so many other conflicts; America tried & America failed. We failed as a nation. That's how I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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