chapter 1

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I distinctly remember holding the hand of a woman who was soft and delicate to the touch, with slight wrinkles covering it and along her arms. The veins were frighteningly prominent, almost see through, and slight bruises and blemishes here and there. I'd almost assumed she was an elderly woman. She even walked as if she were one. Until looking up and seeing the face of a nice young woman with a beautiful smile convinced me otherwise.

She walked me down long corridors after another, occasionally passing by giant men in uniforms. They didn't as much as acknowledge us as they walked in a perfect synchronized line to their unknown destination. I later found out were security guards. As we swiftly walked, the woman kept repeating ever so often that I was going to love my new home and then mumbling it again as if to convince herself. That had confused me at the time. Why a 'new home'? My old home was perfectly fine. I had my mom, my big sister, and a new kitten we adopted I decided to call kitty. We were fine until mom got sick. That was the very same day I learned what cancer and death was and how it took away my mother forever. My father was nowhere to be found, and with no other family to go to, I was forced into the foster system and separated from my sister. I don't remember too much about her now.

I'm not exactly sure what happened after, but I do specifically remember the first time meeting Ms. Hansley. She was tall, slim and beautiful and not a single imperfection could be found on her skin, or clothing. Even with the way she presented herself, so hard and daunting, I saw at that age, she wasn't one to be messed with. I was quickly intimidated, and almost expected a strict mean lady, but what surprised me was the big warm and welcoming smile I was met with instead.

"Hello little one. My name is Ms. Hansley, and I'll be taking care of you from now on. What's your name?" She asked sweetly after crouching down to meet my height. Her face was so close to mine that I could smell mint gum. My mom always chewed mint gum.

My head held down unable to form words for the stranger. I hadn't meant to be rude at the time. At the tender age of 5, I was so overwhelmed by everyone and everything. I guess I had not yet accepted that I will no longer have my old life back.

"Do you like candy?"

That had gotten my attention. I quickly looked up, and for the first time I caught her eyes. A bright, yet dull grey color that didn't look as happy as the smile she was giving. In her hand held a small lollipop. Excitedly, I had went to take the sweet treat but she had retracted her hand. I looked up in confusion but her sweet smile never left.

"Here at Northbrooks we are awarded for good behavior. Are you a good girl?" She questioned. I quickly nodded my head. I had gotten presents from Santa, so I was a good, wasn't I? Plus, I just wanted the piece of candy.

"Yeah I bet you are. Now, what is your name?" She questioned once again and holding her hand out.

"Sienna." I simply answered my voice small and shy.

Ms. Hansley only smiled once more. "Sienna. What a pretty name for a pretty girl." She then unwrapped the lollipop and handed it to me. I squealed in happiness and took it gratefully popping it immediately in my mouth.

I wouldn't have thought that it would be the last piece of candy I'd ever have.

I was led once again down a hallway with many rooms. She opened one of the doors and behind was a room full of other girls and many toys. Of course I quickly got used to it all.

I'm not sure when the special treatment had stopped or rather when the training had began. At first it was almost like a game. Who can clean up the fastest or who can run the most laps in the gym. That had became our everyday life except that it all became harder as we got older. It became less of a game and more as a chore.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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