Part 1

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I was too busy thinking about what I was supposed to do, and how I was supposed to execute the presentation without missing any important points, to even realize that I was about to hit someone with iced coffee in his hand. And now, I have a huge stain in the middle of my shirt. 

"I... Am so sorry. I was not looking and hit you-" I blabbered, but stopped short as I felt a jacket covering me.

"Forget it. Just be careful next time." He sighed as I watched him adjust his turtleneck, and brush over the imaginary creases that was on his sleeves. "Here is some money too, get it cleaned. If its not possible, then just throw it and get a new one."

"W-wait." I tried to stop him as he made a move to walk pass me. "How do I return your jacket?"

"Just throw it away. I don't need it anyway." I stared at his back as he walked away, feeling confused, before I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

"Oh shoots, I am going to be late for class if I don't leave now." I scurried down the street as I adjusted the jacket and pulled my bag closer to me.

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