The kiss that we shared

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                                   When i loved you i would done everthing for you.
If i could i would forget everything about you, everything that we had together , and everythung we had done with each other.
                            He knows i still care thats why he isnt there anymore.
                        Wish he knew how i really feel.
                   IT started with hey than turns into lets be friends than lets date than break ups than hating each other than once agin strangers than friends again than works back up to hey lets try this again we can make this work.
Than our memories gets mixed up than , we start telling one another how we feel once again it feels like we dont understand one another and feels like its the same stuff over and over . And you are stuck because the heart aches and hurts because, it cant have what it wants over and over.
                              I wanna forget what happen but than i wanna remember of what they call us in their stories.I want yoou happy but not how you were when you were with me. I hate how at times i feel like everything that is being said is just a lie that comes from you. I hope that you are happy that days and nights are harder than what they were when you was with me. The kiss that we shared started us started how we felt about one another. I hate how it was just a kiss that made us want each other more and more and it became a habit to each other and , thats all we think about eeveryday eveen with past memories . And we get to think again about everything we start thinking about how everything we did we shared together and we dont know how to handle the past and how to take care of the past and hpw we handle things now.

The very first kissed that we sharedWhere stories live. Discover now