Needing A Babysitter

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Aquarius POV

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed as I then heard my father yell all the way from downstairs.

I yawned as I pushed the covers off of me and got out of bed.

I went downstairs as I walked in the kitchen to get something to eat.

As I walked out of the kitchen and went in the living room and sat on the couch to watch TV, my mother yelled at me to come upstairs.

"Aquarius!! Get up here!!"

I got up from the couch as I went back upstairs and saw my mother standing in front of my room.

She came over to me as she smacked me hard across the face, grabbed my arm hard, leaving bruises as she yanked me to the bedroom door.

"Why isn't your room cleaned?"

"I was gonna clean it later..."

"I told you to clean it yesterday but you're nothing but a worthless lazy child who just sits on her ass all damn day."

I stood there silent.

I walked in the room as I started cleaning it while my mother went back downstairs.

After I finished cleaning, I went downstairs as I heard my parents talking.

"She drives me nuts.." My father said.

"I know, right? I can't take another day with her!"

"How about we just hire a babysitter? I'm sure there's some in the neighborhood." My mother suggested.

"Good idea."

Sagittarius POV

"Hey, Sag?" Aries asked.


"Are you still doing that babysitting job?"

"Yeah but I haven't gotten any calls yet." I said.

"Is Scorpio working with you too still?"

"Yeah, sometimes."

As Aries and I were talking, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked after I answered.

"Is this Sagittarius?"

"Yes, who's asking?"

"I'm Rosalie Smith and I want you to babysit my daughter. She's a pain in the ass and she has such an attitude problem."

"Um, well tell me your address and I'll come right over." I said.

"Great, thank you so much."

"Why would she talk about her daughter like that? She can't be that bad and I've dealt with worse."

I got the lady's address as I got in my car and drove to her house.

Once I found the place, I parked my car and got out as I locked it and went up to the front door.

As I walked up to the door, I saw a little girl who looked about 16 holding her toy in the window as she sat behind the curtain.

I walked up to the front door as I knocked.

Aquarius POV

I was hugging my toy as I heard a knock on the door.

I looked up as my father walked over to the door and opened it while my mother stood behind him.

A tall, muscular guy with long black faded to orange hair that fell down his back had his hair tied in a ponytail that rested on his shoulder and had some of his hair covering half of his face walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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