˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 22

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A week has passed and rindou still hasn't woken up. I still visit him daily but i ran asked me to take a break since im pregnant and he will be the one to watch over him.

Ran's father was investigating the case on what happened to us back then,searching for akira and his men but we still got no clue.

For the meantime,my parents and i were here at my dad-in-law's house so that his men can protect us incase something like that ever happens again because its most likely that i was really her target in the first place.

We need to get her,fast.

3rd person's pov:
Y/n was on the living room,peacefully watching television with her mom when her cellphone rang,it was a phone call from ran.

Hey is there a prob-

Y/n! Rindou opened his eyes and the doctors are here checking him up if there was a problem but it seems he's okay already. Come on,he's waiting for you.

Y/n dropped her phone on the ground hearing the news as tears poured out of her eyes.

Sweetie what happened?

Mom lets go! Ran said that rindou was awake!

They both got up and one of the guards drove them towards the hospital.

(At the hospital)
Y/n pov:
My mother assisted me as we both went towards his room as i opened it,seeing him smiling at me.

I walked towards him as i touched his cheeks with tears pouring out of my eyes.

I missed him so much...

And then he suddenly hugged me as he kissed my forehead,he was crying.

Hey...dont cry...im here.

I missed you so much,y/n.

I smiled wholeheartedly and replied..

I miss you too.

A few minutes after that,my mother and ran went out leaving us two alone.

What happened to akira? Did the police got her?

Dont worry,your father and his men are already searching for her,she will be caught any moment by now.

Rindou nodded hearing my answer.

Your stomach became more big since the last time i saw it.

I giggled hearing his statement

Of course,im pregnant.

Rindou smiled and leaned closer touching my stomach,seems like he was feeling the baby/fetus kicking up.

Oh! The baby kicked!

Haha yeah,it hurts sometimes.

Rindou chuckled and got up as he leaned closer to my face,touching my cheeks as he kissed me. I was shocked but i kissed him back and after a few seconds,he pulled away as he rested his head ontop of my chest.

I...........i love you,y/n.you know many things have happened before,including to me and akira. Please,listen to me carefully. We did date back then but a week after meeting you i found myself running out of love for akira because you came,your the one i love. I ended things with her properly and went to you. Im not lying,believe me please.

I teared up hearing those words that i wanted to hear from him all this time as i hugged him.

I love you too. Im so sorry for pushing you away all this time,its my fault for not believing your words..im so sorry,rin.

Its fine,i understand.

And thus,after all the misunderstandings we've faced,me and rindou made up after all these months.

Unwanted | Rindou Haitani. ✓ Where stories live. Discover now