Admiring You

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Fluff Part

Jungkook's POV

I was lying down on the couch at the balcony playing with my favourite game on my phone.
The night was chilly but also warm and cozy, basically the perfect temperature.
The city was also quit which doesn't happen frequently but when it does the whole
atmosphiere was different specially when you're spending it with the people that you love. After playing rounds non stop I finally started feeling bored. Forming my lips into a small
pout I closed my phone and let it slide down from my hands to the couch. Placing my
head on my hand that was formed in a fist I wondered my eyes around the place until
they met a beautiful angel sitting on the hammock chair with her legs crossed to
each other, your cute baby yellow blanket was keeping your legs warm as you where typing on
your laptop working without a brake. Your wavy hair where fixed in a bun as the light baby hair where messingly on your
forhead. Your unique v shaped face was glowing under the different colorful lights of
the city as that powerful stare was straight and serious. All of your attention going on your
work, how inspiring. You work for hours, does the chores and even gives me
attention. All these in just a day. Not only gorgeous but also an indipended,
hardworking woman. So motivating.

I got lost.

Lost in your beauty.

Lost in the woman that has lighten my life.

Lost in you.

Maybe you haven't noticed, maybe you don't know but even the smallest things that you
do kills me, droves me crazy. It's ironic how in a small amout of time you became the
reason for me to live, the reason of my existence, my strength, my happy pill, my
everything. I never thought of these things until now. I never thought of telling you these
and even I don't know why I've never expressed these feelings to you. All these years that I've had you in my arms I was never able to tell you how much you
inspire me, how you motivate me, how strong my feelings are for you and looking at
you now all these feelings are becoming overwhelming that I just want to pour them
right now, right here. How do you always succeed on taking my breath away? Just by
your appearence. Just by you being you. It's funny isn't it? It's funny how whipped I am for
you... but I don't care tho
I remember myself when I was a weak person, just a immature boy that the only
thing he knew is only working. A boy who had no reason for happiness or to live. Just a
person who was vanishing every day little by little. But then an angel came into my life and
everything changed. It was like that little human poured glittler in my life making it
brighter. This little human made that boy a man. An indipended, strong, respectfull man.
And it's weird cuz no one ever had this effect on me. It was the power that only you
had and no one else in this world. But I'm glad. I'm glad that you are that person.
You know sometimes I imagine myself without you, even by just a thought it looks
so difficult, so miserable. Even tho I imagine I know that you'll never leave me, you'll never
let me become who I was before. You'll never let go of my hand, you'll never let me
fall in that dark hole. You're gonna hold my hand until the very end, even when we dye
you're still going to hold me in your warm embrace. At times I feel that I'm hard to love,
wanna know why? Because no one ever loved me. As an orphan I never really
received this much affection from anyone and when you appeared the dust made from
my burned heart was recreated again turning in it's original form.
"For how long will you stare at me?" you called bringing me out of my thoughts "As
long as takes for me to memorise every single angle of your face" I chuckled making
you hide your blushing cheeks with a little grin "Way too cheesy tonight Jeon" "I may
am mrs Jeon" I sighed playfully as I shifted closer to you "Oh my, since when did I
become mrs Jeon?" you asked me while blushing"Since the day I lied my eyes on you"
I said grapping your chin causing you to look at me "Jeez stop playing with my
feelings" you giggled "Who said I was playing darling? You really think I won't make
you my wife one day?" I asked you as you turned your eyes to your computer again. Silence filled the air and it was actually scary. Please... Please tell me that you also
want to marry me one day. Don't leave me in this endless silence. You got up and placed your now turned off lapton on the table before sitting by my side.
You held my hand softly in yours as you looked at them "I really don't know.... I never
really had the perfect example of how a marriage is. I'm afraid of many things, that
you won't love me after giving birth, you will lose interest in me, I'm not always insecure
but when it comes to marriage my insecurities hit me like a truck. Trust me I'm
not blaming you on something and I really don't want you to misunderstand what I'm
going to say next but as you know after marriage my father started hitting my mom
but still I-I don't want you to think that I see you that way but my father also promised... ...her.... a-also promised her that he's never going to lay a finger on her but he did, so I'm
afra-" before she could talk any further I connected our lips together. Without a
second thought you moved yours in sync with mine. Not caring about your salty tears I
grapped your cheek and pulled you closer to
me, deepening the kiss. Slowly pulling away I looked through your glistening eyes that
held so much pain in them "How I wish I could show you that I'm not and that I'll
never become that kind of person. I know that it'll be hard for you to believe me and I
totally understand your perspective but still I promise you, I promise with my whole life...  that I'll never fall for another woman, I'll never get tired of you and most importantly
I'll never lay a finger on you. I wonder how can you even think of me doing these things.
I mean I'm lucky that I even made you fall for me, it's most likely you to loose interest in
me and about me hitting you... babe I would kill myself if I ever do something like that.
You're my whole life and you think I would hit you? I would never. Never in this world.
Even if I was forced to. I would and I will never." I said holding both of your hands in
mine peppering them with kisses as tears streamed down on our faces. You then took your hands away and held my face, meeting our eyes together "I'm sorry I
thought that way, I didn't believe in love either but you showed me how incredible and warm
this feeling can be and I also know that you would never do all these bad things to me.
So I'm really thankfull that you understood me instead of shouting at me" "I'm glad that
you opened up to me, I feel that this is makimg our relationship stronger, thank you
for being by my side I promise I'll never let you down" I said before connecting our lips
together once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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