Untitled Part 1

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Okay, So hello to all the people who have Wattpad and strict parents.

So as you see Wattpad is a place where things are not okay.

You literally don't have to search for mature content.

So I have a solution for this.

Since our strict parents don't give us privacy, I want y'all do to this to completely hide your Wattpad or any social media from themThis is how I managed to sorta hide my Wattpad from my parents.

Since I have 3 actual accounts on Wattpad which are I have 3 emails for each one of them.


after you are done making your emails and connecting your Wattpad or any social media accounts to them. You have to make a Wattpad account from your MAIN Google account.after you are done making that account, go ahead and put on a complete black profile picture and background, don't write anything in your bio, and don't follow any of your friends or yourself, not even your account.

and then follow all these authors which the account mentioned below has followed, then add all of these author's books to your fake account's reading list.This is my fake account.


you go to your home page (the page which appears as soon and you open your Wattpad) on the top right side you will see your profile picture which leads to your fake account right beside that you will see some filter thingy, click that and it will bring you to a page where it says "blocked tags" tap on the blocked tags thingy and type all the pop tags and mature content tags.

this will block all the fanfictions and mature content books from appearing in your account.

now go to ur search history and search "best books by Rudyard Kipling", "Most famous books about science", "the best book about history", "educational documentary" don't delete your search history, this makes them think that you are interested in reading these books

always remember to keep your fake account logged in ALWAYS or else, you'll be in deep shit.If your parents do not allow you to have social media then HIDE your apps.

Google how to hide apps in the company of your phone and you will get the steps on how to hide the apps.

Now turn the notifications off.

You're all set now :)

But read this as well.My parents know that I have my personal google account to which they have the password, Now since we all read on Wattpad anywhere there is a 50% chance of them seeing you read it on ur device, which happened to me too.


I was a step ahead of them.

I wasn't reading any fanfiction, I was acting to read, My mom asked me what was I reading and snatched my phone but I acted normal-looking up at her making a "give it back" face.She read what I was reading and she asked me what was this and I told her this is an app where we can read novels including educational ones.

She went through my account and told me not to get addicted to them and left.

I wasn't reading any fanfiction, I was reading The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare from my fake account.

I did that a couple of times with different books.

In those times my dad or mom snacked my phone or my sister snacthed it to play roblox until it's battery is dead.

Or sometimes when i am in my mine and my sister's shared bedroom, all alone for more than 10 mins my parents tell my sister is snatch my phone and come running to them.

And My sister listens to them.

At this situation i just act angry at my sis for taking my phone away but lil do they know I'm Virginia halls and I can hear BARE foot steps and people talking from 10ft and who can log out of her account and login to a fake account.

now you have to do this because you need them to believe that you read good things on Wattpad :)

Cuz they might google "Wattpad" and this thing comes in the results that "is Wattpad safe for a 12-year-old?" and the answer to it comes like this " No, on Wattpad you don't even have to search for mature content" and since this comes at the start you parents will not be able to trust you just when you say that you read good things so you have to do the above scene with me and my mom in order for you parents to believe you.

Also make sure to butify the description of a few of those "good" books.

This is because if they ask you to tell them about that book then Obviously your mouth will be shut- so- learn the description of the book or read the first few chapters and the last chapter of the book and tell them that in your own words, trust me it works.

Do this and thank me later :)

My parents should be greatful i've literally made an account just for them to see.

I'm also extremely sorry for any grammatical errors.

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