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Before Ron knew what he was, who he was, what was life, he was just a small folder on a computer.

But, all at once, he gained a mind, a conscience. A heartbeat. And felt something for the first time, his limp body hitting the cold floor of an abandoned office.

He looked around and uttered his first words "what the.." not even knowing why he's saying these words, he just knows.

He turned around to the monitor, and some white orb was emerging from the screen. Still dazed, Ron couldn't comprehend what it was at first, then it came rocketing toward him, Ron managed to dodge just in time, leaving it on the floor, it was more than an orb, it had a body, well, a small amount of a body at least.

It looked like a ghost. He heard it mumble into the ground. Ron spoke up: "hey, uh.. You need a hand..?" no response, he was going to repeat himself until he saw 2 arms emerge from it's "shoulders" and push itself off the ground.

Now standing, Ron could see what his face looked like. his face... was... just a smiley face, but this time it's more of an unhappy face. Ron turned to look at it. Ron had to make a good first impression, he thought. So he said; "um.. Hello..! What's your name..?" It looked even more irritated. It spoke up, "just call me Bob.." as Bob turned away from Ron.

Ron ran to Bob, gaining Bob's attention. Bob, raising his tone, said: "What is it, you little shit!?"

Ron, stunned, just pointed to a door behind them. Bob just let out an "oh." in response. They turned to walk away.

But something pulled them back.

A "whrrr" coming from the monitor behind them. Ron wondered; "what is it gonna be this time..?" he looked to the monitor, seeing an ms paint file glow green as the noise grew stronger.

Ron just shrugged. "Eh, it must be nothing." When he turned around, he heard a small thud, followed by an irritated groan.

ron whipped his head around to see.. A doll looking figure, it was pale white, like a bob, lying on the floor.

Bob reached a hand to pick him up. The figure immediately stood up, turned to the two, and yelled in a high pitched voice: "DON'T PICK ME UP YOU FUCKERS!" Ron started to snicker, while Bob on the other hand, was totally stunned. The same voice yelled again: "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, CHEESE SLICE HEADASS?!?" Ron bursted out laughing.

Bob looked unamused. Bob picked him up. Bob sighed: "let's just find a place to stay, I've had enough of the both of you." Bob and Ron walked to the door, the little man in Bob's grasp still yelling away. They will try to live like a normal human, and that "normal human", was not them at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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