17 • A broken facade

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Understanding someone's pain is the greatest present ever that you can give them

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Understanding someone's pain is the greatest present ever that you can give them.


Eyes wide open, Yeosang can't find himself falling back to his unsteady slumber anymore due to his parents' hostile argument downstairs.

"I need to sleep." The boy mumbles to himself while still sitting up, back leaning onto his bed board.

To no avail, Yeosang spends the rest of the night packing up his luggage, but his two hands halt the movements sometimes to cover his ears as the parents literally won't stop coming at each other's throats anytime soon.

His father's motorbike engine can be heard which proves he will stay the night anywhere but outside this used to be filled with happy chatters household.

This is no doubt the first time that he awaits holiday never comes.

--- ✳ ---


Lim Yujin groans lowly, shifting her body to other side of her bed to grab the sunflower cushion which was sent by Yeosang as her 17th birthday present last year. The soft object makes her feel cozy and comfortable everytime she hugs.


Yujin's brain can't help recalling what happened between her and Yeosang again. His hug, his kiss on her cheek give off a magnetic pull on her heart whenever the girl thinks of their specific moment.

Our feelings are mutual right?

She awaits the new week to come sooner, to hear him out, knowing the holiday will be over and she's gonna have school next week regardless.

"Yujin, wake up."

Peeking at an alarm resting nonchalantly on the bedside table, she winces as a sudden slap on the butt caused by her mom. "It's still early mommm."

3:15pm is still early to wake up from a nap.

"You have a guest. It's Y-"

"Chaein? We didn't have any plans today." Her sleepy voice muffles into the beloved cushion, earning another slap before her mother throws a blanket onto her reckless daughter's lower body, covering her waist down to her feet.

"Aish. How this girl happen to be my daughter..."

The sound of the older woman's slippers seems further away from Yujin's hearing, making she reckon that her mom gave up on waking her up already, instead of nagging as usual which is a relief to the daughter.

Letting herself drift into dream land in less than five seconds, Yujin continues to sleep, breathing in and out steadily without noticing her bed is gently dipped as someone silently sits on it. His pair of deep eyes looks at her sleeping face sweetly even though sadness from the other days still hides somewhere at the corners.

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