Chapter Twenty "Reunion (Part One)"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{3:15 p.m.}

"Hey guys! What...are you doing...?"

Joocie and Woolf turned their heads as they saw Blaza standing at the entrance of the cave. At first, Joocie was relieved that his friend wasn't missing or kidnapped or something else but soon grew disbelief at the thought of 'why Blaza wasn't with them in the cave when they woke up?' or 'Didn't he noticed the black liquid like how Woolf did?'

"Oh hey there,Blaza! Why are you in the cave with us when we woke up?" Woolf asked politely. Joocie can tell that the wolf was thinking the same thing as him by the tone of his voice.

Blaza looked at him in a calm expression. "Oh. I went out to try my luck to find some food but guess failed" He answered. Joocie and Woolf looked at him in suspicious but decided to not point it out yet.

"Then... how didn't you notice Tbh is..." Joocie asked slowly,mentioning towards the lifeless body. Blaza raised an eyebrow at him until he saw what his friend meant.

"I-I just woke up so I didn't noticed it..." Blaza said slowly as he bit his lips. Woolf sighed as he spoke. "Come on. Let's just take care of the dead body first"

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{3:45 p.m.}

Woolf sighed as he wiped off the dirt on his shirt.He, Joocie and Blaza had buried their friend's dead body nearby the cave. As they were about to leave,Woolf heard a sound coming from the forest and got curious.

"Hey,you both can headed back to the cave first. I'm gonna go check on something" the wolf said as he walked off to the direction of the sound,not waiting for an answer. Joocie hesitated for a while before he walked back to the cave. Blaza glared at him for a while before following his friend.

Woolf followed to the direction of the sound as he tried not to make a sound. He eventually reached further into the forest. He looked around for a while and spotted something/someone behind a tree.

He walked towards the tree and found some familiar faces there. The doctor and the other 14 year old leaning against the tree on their back,soaking wet.

"Should I wake them up...?" Woolf thought. He got down on one knee and shook the doctor's shoulder to see his reaction and he didn't even flinched. He tried more times but eventually got annoyed and decided to wake up the 14 year old first.

"Muffin?" Woolf said as he shook the 14 year old kid. Fortunately,the 14 year old started to open his eyes. Muffin was tired a while before his face turned surprised as he saw Woolf.

"Woolf?" Muffin asked in surprise. The wolf just nodded his head in response. Woolf looked towards the doctor and back to the 14 year old kid. "Could you try to wake him up? I'm having trouble with that" he asked,pointing towards the sleeping doctor.

"Sure"Muffin answered as he moved closer to the doctor. The 14 year old kid whispered a few things to the doctor ears and a few seconds later,the doctor immediately awoken up in surprise.

Woolf looked at him in surprise as Muffin smirked at him. "What-? Should I even ask what do you said to him?" He asked. Muffin gave him an innocent smile as their attention turned towards the doctor.

"Nadwe! I saw Nadwe!" Meme shouted as the first sentence when he woke up. Woolf raised an eyebrow at him while Muffin just frowned at the mention of his dead best friends name.

" did you saw Nadwe...? You know he's umm..." Woolf asked,not pointing out the last part. "But- I literally just saw him!" Meme argued back.

Woolf sighed as he spoke. "Let's not talk about this topic first. You both can come to the cave to dry up" He paused. "Wait- did you both have a water fight or something? Why are you both soaking wet in the first place?" He asked.

"It was raining when we passed out under this tree. Didn't you noticed it? It was kinda a heavy rain" Muffin answered. Woolf thought for a second before answering. "No. We were kinda sleeping in the cave that time so we didn't noticed."

"W-We?" Meme asked slowly. Woolf nodded in response. "Me,Joocie, Blaza and Tbh" he said. Meme bit his lips at the mention of the crab name,he realised the cave Woolf mentioned was the cave him and Tbh found at the first place.

(By the way,Tbh didn't tell them about Meme accusing him about the syringe thing)

"Let's go then. The others are waiting for me to return so let not them be worried" Woolf said.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{4:00 p.m.}

When Woolf,Meme and Muffin arrived at the entrance of the cave, Joocie was surprised to see them while Blaza just smiled at them. At first,Meme was nervous to see Tbh again but soon realised the crab wasn't present in the cave.

"Meme?! Muffin?!" Joocie exclaimed in excited. In a blink of an eye, Joocie was hugging the soaking wet 14 year old kid. "Thanks god! You both are okay!"

After a few minutes of the doctor checking their injuries,Woolf spoke up. "Great! Now we just have to find Socks" Meme and Muffin raised an eyebrow at him.

"What about Tbh? You said he is here but I didn't see him" Muffin asked,making the three of them fell into silent. "Well..." Joocie slowly said,breaking the awkward silent.

"He isn't with us anymore"Blaza said calmly.

Meme and Muffin seem shocked for a while. "What... Like Tbh is gone-?" Meme asked,believing it's just a joke from his best friend. Woolf and Joocie slowly nodded in response.

Meme's eyes widen at the response.

"It wasn't him?"

"I blame my friend for no reason..."

"And now he's gone..."

The doctor was in so much guilty thoughts that he didn't noticed the tears in his eyes.

Chapter Twenty !!

Summary: After the trio buried their dead friends body,Woolf found Meme and Muffin in the middle of the forest and brought them back to the cave. But the news of the crab's gone hit Meme the hardest.

I'm starting to think this story is starting to make no sense at all- 👀
(But I will still continue to write it)

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1092

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