I love you (One shot)

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~Person pov~

You're at home watching tv, and somehow feel emty inside. when you feel emty the only person that comes to your mind is your best friend Bangchan, you have a huge crush on him but you don't want to tell him, because you scared that it's might ruine your friendship with him
you call him and he answer it.

- On the call -

You: chanie what are you doing?

Chan: nothing much why

You: can i come over?

Chan: Sure why not don't be late

You: ok chan see you

you hang up the phone and take your car key, you lock the door and get in the car "i can't wait to see chan" you say while smiling.

you on the road and you see some car speeding, when you about to avoid the car, the car crash into your car and your car flipped over the road.

you ask for halp but nobody hear you, some come to watch what's happen and some even call the ambulance. the ambulance pick you up "over, this is road 122 we had a car accident please hurry!" they pick you up and put you inside the ambulance.

they do CPR on you until they arrive at the hospital. they arrive at the hospital and take you out "go go go!" they all running to the ICU room "ma'am we almost there" you open your eyes and say bangchan name the doctor notes it "don't worry ma'am" the doctor say while running.

they all in the ICU room the doctor stop and tell something to the nurse "this is her phone" she handed your phone to the nurse "search the name bangchan on her phone and call him" the doctor say and thw nurse noded.

the nurse found the namw bangchan and call it.

> On the call <

Chan: hello who is this

Nurse: hello is this Bangchan?

Chan: yes why

Nurse: the owner of this phone got into a serious car accident


Nurse: it's *****hospital

Chan: Ok i will go now

                   ~ Bangchan pov ~

i drop my phone in shock, i can't believe My best friend got into a car accident i quickly take my car key and drove to the hospital. i was crying in the car so heartbroken, to be honest i like her for a vary long time but i don't want to tell her. i scared that she doesn't like me back, when i hear about the accident my heart just stop.

he quickly arrived at the hospital. he got in and go to the nurse counter
"i'm baangchan" the nurse look at him "ah yes bangchan your friend is at the ICU room you can wait outside" the nurse say and he quickly go to the ICU room. he was so worry he sit down and wait there for the doctor.

4min has past and the doctor is out, bangchan stand and look at the doctor "are you mrs.bangchan?" the doctor say "yes i'm how is my friend" he say in a worry tone, "she is fine you can look at her now" bangchan sign in relief. he go to the room you staying she saw you laying on the bad, he sit next to you ans hold your hand
"Y/n~ it's me" bangchan started sobbing "i'm sorry that i can't be with you, it's my fould to let you go to my home" bangchan start to cry
"it's all because of me" he crying so hard.

then your hand start to move, bangchan look at you and see your eyes opening, he call the nurse and the nurse come with the doctor.

the docter look at you and it's all fine "everything is fine she well be stayed here for 12 days" the doctor say and bangchan noded, the doctor leave with the nurse. bangchan look at you and you smile at him "don't worry about me, im ok" bangchan look at you with an angry face "next time i will pick you up" bangchan say and you smile "fine chris" you look at chan "chan" bangchan look at you
"i love you" you say bangchan smile
"i love you too" he kiss you and you guys laughing

but the laug faided when you close your eyes again

bangchan was so schok what happen so he call the nurse

"Is everyone ok" the nurse say

"Nurs what's wrong with her she fine just a minutes ago?" bangcahn says with a worry tone

but then...

she gone.

thank you for reading ♡

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