Tell Me Why Im Waiting?

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Y/n's P.O.V

For the past week Hailee and I have been working on our duet song and finally we had finished. It actually came out really good. I thought the entire time she was going to be that one kid in the group project that doesn't do anything but puts their name and wants full credit. But actually Hailee proved me wrong and proved she can actually be professional.

Now we are in the hangout doing one last rehearsal and Hailee still hasn't SHOWN UP. We have to preform the song at 12 for the label and she is not here. I have an hour left and I'm so nervous that my anxiety is going through the roof.

"You seem nervous." Emily's voice rang clear. "Here let me help?" she walked towards me reaching for the guitar that I was working on. She began to loosen the pegs in order to add the new string I had broken while I was working with Hailee. But that wasn't what made me raise a brow.

It was the cold shoulder I felt when Emily began to re-string the guitar. Her eyes were focused and she wasn't smiling. It felt... foreign.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. Normally I'd be static that she came especially today, but it just made me feel a little lost. I didn't know how to act around her. I didn't know where the line in the sand was.

"I was on a break from my work, so I just came by to see what I can do here." She said keeping her focus solely on the guitar. Plucking away at it to make sure all the strings were tuned and ready. When it was done she handed the guitar back and began to look through the songs and other things.

Why is there an indescribable distance between Emily and me?

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and began to go over the song once more. Hailee was still not here so I decided just to rehearse without her. I plugged my guitar into the amp and started to play. But I still felt off. Like i just wasn't in the mood. And maybe to the untrained ear one would think I played it perfect. But if you knew there was no emotion behind it, then there was no magic in the song. It wasn't ... fun.

It wasn't long before we had to go to Rocque Records to show the label our song.

Hailee🖕: Ill meet you at the studio
Don't be late. On time is still late.

Hailee's message pinged on my phone and i just sighed. What was with my mood today. I don't know if I'm feeling sad, or mad, or what. I know whatever funk I'm in I have to snap out of it. And fast.

"Hey guys I have to go back to my team." Emily walked over to the rest of the group.

"You need to go? But we haven't even started recording, yet" Zendaya whined a bit.

I can tell Selena wasn't pleased about this. Ever since that day she found out I was collabing with Hailee, Selena had been, angry. She didn't try to show it, but there was some tension between her and Hailee and I could tell she was trying not to take it out on Emily.

"My other team really needs me now, I really need to go" Emily said monotonously. Her expression deadpanned.

"Well, you should go back to work, then" I gave her a tight lip smile. I didn't have to look up from my guitar to know zendaya and Ariana were giving me a confused look. They knew about my crush on her. So for me to give off that unexcited reply made them a bit concerned. I didn't even know what to say to that.

• • • • • •

I didn't know once you sign into a label you would suddenly be the big shot around the studio. As soon as I walked in the producers and other important people greet me with, "there she is, our star " or "welcome superstar".

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