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 I like to say that this is based on a true story. That is partially true. I am a realtor and I recently showed a listing to a friend of mine. The house had a lot of character. It was very old. Most would say it was very creepy. Although he didn't buy the property, a good thing did come from it. It sparked my imagination. It got the wheels spinning. As I was walking through the horrendous dwelling, the story started to form in my head. I couldn't wait to get home to start writing it. The story poured from my fingertips and I wrote it in one short night.


            I love when things like that happen. Inspiration can hit any time. I love how anyone can be inspired at any moment from anything. Just allow your mind to always wander and keep thinking about fantastic possibilities and you will never be bored.


            Horror House is only a short story about six pages long. This is the first of, undoubtedly, many versions to come. I enjoy the short story genre. I like the fast pace and the easy flow. You don't have to delve deep into characters but you can still make them rich and complicated. Enjoy the story and please feel free to comment! Thank you reading community, you truly are keeping the written pages alive!

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