dvalin x azhdaha (crack)

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One fine day, Dvalin was roaming free across the nations, staring at the beautiful scenery and watching the wind. Suddenly, he heard a giant roar, and he knew that he had to follow it. Dvalin flew to Nantianmen, where the sound came from, and he dug a hole under the ground. He kept  digging and digging, until he found a cave.

Inside the cave stood the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen in his centuries of living. A giant and buff dragon made out of rocks. Dvalin blushed and hid in a corner, but it was too late for the creature had noticed him.

"YOU DARE STEP OVERSTEP YOUR MORTAL AUTHRITY??" it screamed. Oh dear, Dvalin was so attracted to that marvelous deep and brooding voice. He appeared to Azhdaha, who was visibly attracted to him. How Dvalin's shiny scales lit up the dark cave, and his beautiful features.

The two approached each other and proceeded to kiss, Dvalin's scaly mouth and Azhdaha's rocky lips met and they both felt like bliss. And uh, what happened next, please don't make me write that :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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