The Backstory

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Trigger Warnings; mention of suicide attempt, bullying, and death

Gaster was in no means a patient man. Every monster knew that. That same patience issue would be the very thing that would be his undoing, losing his partner and his light. Perhaps we should start off at the beginning.

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. Many years later...MT. Ebott 201X. Legend says that those who climb the mountain never return.

Here begins the story of Cosmic, a boy who wished to take his life. However, things didn't go according to plan.

When he awoke on the bed of flowers there stood a family of five, three goat monsters with one being a child, and two human children. They took in the human and showed them around the world they named The Underground. After some hesitation from the mother Toriel, they took the new human to the labs to meet the royal Scientist. Dr. W.D Gaster. The two got along swimmingly, so much so that the human decided to live in hotlands with the Dr. and his son, Papyrus. Here began the story of the lovers. Things seemed to be looking good for the human compared to their life from above. They had fallen at the age of twenty, their birthday to be more precise. When they had met the doctor he was nine years their senior, the royal scientist at age twenty nine. Impressive was putting it lightly, but it only took a month to be the assistant head scientist, right under Dr. Alphys. Life was great, Cosmic loved the underground and the people in it. He had become a ray of sunshine to the monsters, always compassionate and helped anyone as much as they needed.

It all changed after his first year of living there, the poor boy refused to mention his health in fear of judgement, which is how his chronic illness got to the point where it was killing him. Eating his cells from the inside out, and all he could do was stay bedridden and wait for the pain to end. The Dr. was distraught, he had finally found his missing half, his moon and stars, the love of his life. But yet, he was losing him so soon to something he had no clue how to fix. It ate at him, in the back of his mind. He stayed at the lab for nights on end trying to find a solution, many nights Papyrus would have to carry the exhausted doctor home.

The days got worse and worse, until he had the solution. Or so he thought. He had Papyrus bring Cosmic, the poor thing was pale enough to look like a ghost. He was laid on a bed and the Dr. gave him the injection, flinching with a startled gaze as his lover began to quite literally melt before his eye sockets the skin and flesh falling from his bones. He grabbed the man and held him close as he began to cry "Please, please why is this happening I did everything right!" he cried, his son in tears as he stood behind his distraught father. "Wing Ding, it's alright, it's my time to go... Thank you for the happiest year of my life"

The words rang in his head for days to come, locked in his lab he shut out everyone. Including his own son and lead scientist. Scribbling on any surface any ideas that he thinks could work to bring back the starry lover. On the fifth day Dr. Gaster is visited by none other than the King and Queen, who offered something that they thought could bring back the spirit of the underground. They had obtained it when the monsters first met the humans, the soul of Goddess Asteria. A goddess who controlled astrology and gifted the Earth with falling stars. At first he was hesitant, but when his son bluntly stated that he couldn't die again, the Dr. agreed. So he injected the soul into the skeleton of his lover and stepped back, holding his son's hand in hopes that this would work. The room lit up with a bright glow that seemed to come from the skeleton on the bed in front of them. Then there was screaming for a moment, but only a moment. It had worked, his lover was born again. Now as a skeleton just like him and his son. He cried tears of joy as his lover came back, Toriel taking her robe and covering the poor skeleton with it. It took a moment for the reborn skeleton to get their bearings, as soon as they did however Gaster was all over them, tears and all. As the two embraced, Papyrus spoke up "Now that you've been born again, we should come up with a new name, right?" He smiled, kneeling beside his father. "Constellation, because your eyes shine like the stars." Dr. Gaster spoke softly.

It was decided "Welcome back Constellation"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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