Fall Parties for Fall Break

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     The night was chilly even for an early fall day. The campus students were bundled in their winter coats and hats as they scurried back to their dorms. Alana Millburg had just returned to her dorm. After an intense study session, and last minute homework submissions, she was ready to relax for the weekend. Upon entering her dorm, she tossed her coat on the hanging rack, then flopped on her bed.

     Her roommate, Edith Marvovich, laid on her own bed across the room. Seeing her roommate fall to her bed in exhaustion caused her to perk up.

     "Rough day?!" She asked.

     "You have no idea," Alana replied. "It's freaking cold out there too!"

     "Damn really?!" Edith complained and glanced out the window. "It was warmer earlier."

     "Haven't you been outside today?"

     "No, I just had some online and virtual classes today."

     "Oh," Alana muttered and rolled over to face her roommate. It was only the first couple of months of the fall semester, but Alana already felt a close kinship to Edith. It was like they were long lost sisters, and even looked alike, both with sandy blonde hair and deep brown colored eyes. Alana tilted her head at her friend and questioned, "what's on your neck?"

     "Um!" Edith blabbered, her face flushing red. He hand shot up to where the brownish, bruise-like mark tattooed her neck. "That's embarrassing!"

     "You were with Danny again, weren't you? Or he was here?!" Alana growled, her tone more aggressive and irritated.

     "We made up, clearly! He's really not a bad guy, he just drinks too much," Edith defended. Alana sighed and turned away. She bit her lips as her hand clenched into a fist. There was a scar across her knuckles, one that reminded her what it is like to be in an abusive relationship and how difficult it was to finally protect yourself. The warning signs were all too clear to Alana, seeing her friend come home late with bruises on her legs and arms. Calluses on her palms and rings of violet beneath her eyes were horrifying to see.

     "It's really time you let him go, Edi! He's trash and you can do so much better," Alana said sincerely trying to get through to her friend. Edith merely let out a low sigh and glanced at the clock.

     "Hey, there's a fall party at one of the frat houses tonight; you know, before everyone heads home for break," she said, then she rolled out of bed and started changing out of her sweatpants and old tea shirt.

     "Tonight? I didn't know," Alana said.

     "Yeah, it's already started but I don't think anyone will notice if we show up late," Edith finished as she pulled on a crew neck sweatshirt. She then turned towards the small vanity and began putting on makeup and brushing her hair.

     "It'll be fun to go for a little bit, but I can't stay long. I have to get up early and take the bus to the train station," Alana said.

     "That's fine. I don't want to stay out too long either," Edith added.

     And with that, the two girls took about another ten minutes getting ready for the party. Coats and scarfs in hand, they started out of their dorm room chatting away excitedly about how awesome the fall party was going to be. It was a bit of a tradition for the fall parties to be dark and spooky; perfect for Halloween. Last year the seniors grabbed neon strobe lights and fog machines for the party while all the other lights in the house were shut off. Alana was a horror fan, so she expected something spooky for tonight before she headed back home.

     It was a short, but freezing, walk across campus until the two finally reached the party. It was in a frat house. College kids were on the front lawn, some wearing black cloaks and white masks with fake blood on them. The music was loud inside and the smell of firecrackers and liquor was in the air.

     Inside the house there were fake cobwebs strung around the walls. Neon purple lights dotted the webs and the fog machine was back again for this year. Students cheered and danced around in clusters as they drank the night away. Alana leaned over to Edith.

     "Let's get some drinks!" she called in a loud voice, trying to speak over the music and screams of the wild party kids.

     "Yeah, where's the kitchen?" Edith questioned, looking over the sea of students.

     They weaved through the crowd until they went through the sliding kitchen door. Alana grinned, seeing students doing kegs near the stove and oven.

     "Jeez, they're really getting crazy!" Edith called.

     "Yeah. Here you go," Alana handed her a beer from the center island. It looked like there were harder drinks on the counter, but Alana figured that it was best to drink responsibly tonight. Edith took her drink and as the two were about to head out of the kitchen, a familiar voice called out to Edith.

     "Hey, Edi!" a low and masculine voice rang. The girls turned, Alana instantly crossing her arms over her chest.

     "What, Danny?!" she hissed. She raised a brow, annoyed, but deep down she held her true emotions back. She wanted to punch him in the face, kick him where it counted, then stomp on his ugly face, but for Edith's sake, she was civil around Danny.

     "I wanted to dance with Edith, Alana! God is there something wrong with wanting to spend time with my girl?!" Danny shot back defensively. Alana clicked her tongue, wrapping her arm around Edith.

     "We just got here, let us spend some time together!" she said. Edith sighed and pulled away from Alana. She joined Danny's side and wrapped her arms around his waist.

     "I'll meet you in a little bit, okay?" she said.

     "But..." Alana held her breath. She sighed and simply nodded. There wasn't much more she could do or say. Instead, she simply sulked away, taking a swig of her beer.

     Now alone in a sea of strangers, she began dancing away taking sips of her drink. Why was it so difficult for Edith to listen to her? Her eyes scanned the living room to see if the two came out to dance, but they were nowhere to be seen. A tinge of guilt flooded over Alana's heart. What if he tried to hit Edith again tonight? What if he already drank a lot? Just as she began walking through the crowd to find them, a hand clamped on her shoulder.

     "Hey, Alana!" A joyful voice called. Alana turned to see her friend from Chemistry. She extended her arms for a hug.

     "Jessi!" she cried and the two embraced for a brief moment.

     "Are you heading home for break tomorrow?" Jessi asked as the two began dancing together.

     "Yeah, what about you?"

     "In the evening. I wanted to finish up an essay before I went home, or else it wouldn't get done! Did you come here alone?"

     "No, Edi came with but..." Alana changed her tone a bit. Her words were laced with concern, but Jessi could feel how annoyed Alana was. "She left with Danny!"

     "Oh, ew! She's still dating that psycho freak!" Jessi said.

     "Sadly, I keep telling her to dump him, but she won't listen. He's a classic drunken abuser piece of crap!" Alana growled under her breath. Jessi shook her head and glanced over her shoulder. She turned back towards Alana and in a hushed voice she said, "you know what I heard?" This piqued Alana's curiosity.

     "What?" she questioned.

     "That Danny killed someone!" she said quietly.

     "What?! Where did you hear that?" Alana nearly shouted. Her heart went still, and her mind instantly thought about where Edith and Danny wandered off to.

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