Hoist the Colours

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Song is, "Hoist the Colours", performed by Voiceplay, written by Hans Zimmer and Gore Verbinski.

Yeah, I know this song was made for Pirates of the Caribbean, but you can't deny that this epic tune slaps, especially with how Voiceplay does it.


Once the skiff was away from shore, Lilly leaned back against the side of the boat with O'Callaghan across from her.

"Anyone know any good songs?" Lilly asked.

The spirits looked on towards the water but Charon sighed heavily as he paddled on.  "The dead are not much for conversation or songs, I have found," he said.

"Oh," Lilly said.  "Really?"

"Yes, unfortunately.  It gets very lonely after the first few thousand years."

Lilly frowned at Charon as he continued to steer the boat with his long, wooden pole.  "I'm sorry, sir.  Geez, I thought I had it bad."

Charon shrugged.  "It is not all bad.  The view never disappoints."

Lilly gazed around with O'Callaghan, a soft smile gracing her face.  "You make a fair point.  It's very ominous down here but boy, ain't it pretty?" she chuckled.

"You say that now," Charon began.  "Wait until we get further in.  It is going to get a bit bumpy."

Lilly gazed down at the water and blinked when she saw bits of wreckage as well as souls.  "Um, was there a great battle with boats here once?"

"Oh yes.  That was a very busy time for me."

"Huh.  I see.  Well, steer on, my good man!  Let us not carry the woes of land lubbers, but be paragons of the sea!"

Charon let out a loud laugh as he smiled.  "I do enjoy it when I have coherent guests."


Late afternoon had presented itself in Ireland.  The inhabitants of Darach ar an gCnoc had triple checked all the grounds, house and anything else to make sure all of the puppets had been found and discarded into what was now a raging inferno on the property.  Adair, Vu, Cernunnos and a few others were in the process of doing a ritual cleansing of the area while Arthur was in the room under the tree watching over his wife's body.  The tree roots dangled immobile over his head in the medical part of the room and it was illuminated by special lights created by the acorns the tree so generously provided.

While both Brian and James slept together on the floor, Arthur was sitting at Lilly's side, her hand in his.  His other hand was stroking her red hair.

"Lilly, I don't know if you can hear me, but please hurry back home," he sighed.  "We have so much to do, baby girl.  I need you," he said, lifting her hand to kiss it gently before murmuring sweet nothings as his lips grazed her skin.  "I ain't never had much interest in bein' a god, but I really wish I was a god now so I could be there for you.  How can I protect you if I can't go where you go?"

The pitter patter of small feet drew Arthur's attention and he turned to look out of the medical room to the main laboratory area of the tree.

"Hi Daddy," the twins said as they approached him.

"Hey kids," Arthur said sadly.  "Whatchu two doin' here?"

"Tah see Mummy and you," Aoífe explained.  "And Art has something tah tell ya."

Junior rolled his eyes.  "I hate that name."  He looked at his father with a grin.  "Pops, I came up with a design fer something."

"Oh?" Arthur said with a chuckle, noticing the rolled up paper in Junior's hand.  "Alright, show me."

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