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The buzzer sounded three times, loud in the small room. The girl took a quick glance at her waist, to make sure all six Pokéballs were there. She stood up, and shook her long hair away from her face. She was dressed in a pair of close fitting trousers that hinted at the toned muscle of her legs. A plain tank top under her jacket completed her look. She smiled to herself as she turned to the door. Despite her age of nearly sixteen she was still very small meaning that she was easily underestimated by many opponents, and up until recently had dressed the part. It gave her great satisfaction to thrash opponents when many had thought of her as just a "cute" young girl. However, she knew that strategy would not work against this opponent. He would know it and be expecting it. So she had gone for the confident look, in the hope it would give her an edge.

The buzzer sounded again, and the girl started to move, striding forwards towards the big light of the stadium. As she walked forwards, the voice of the announcer rang out clear.

"It's been five years since this stadium was used. At the start of this year's Johto League there was a commemorative service to remember those killed by the terrorist attack five years ago. Their names, inscribed on the largest stretch of wall that remains from the original Silver Stadium, will never be forgotten. Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding in memory of the victims."

The girl stopped, as she had been told, a few metres short of the light. Still invisible to those in the stadium she took a moment to compose herself.

"It is fitting that the one of the trainers to first fight in this stadium was one affected by the tragedy. She is one of Johto's own, two time reigning champion of the Johto League, aiming for a record breaking third consecutive victory. Show your appreciation, for the mysterious, the beautiful, the Queen of Johto. It's Mellanie Rigger!"

Mellanie strode out into the cauldron of noise in the stadium, a huge grin on her face. It gave her a buzz every time she heard that title. The Queen of Johto. The years since she had first been at the Silver Conference had been crazy for her. Training with the Pokémon Master which had made her a stronger trainer. Then she spent time away, training with Professor Oak. In terms of league titles she had outstripped her childhood friend, Sam Fernandez. He was still a formidable trainer, but he had never tried to take her on in Johto. Although he had won the Indigo League in Kanto two years earlier. He hadn't gone with her when she had trained with Professor Oak, saying he wanted to spend more time with his family. When Mellanie had come back, she had done so just in time to enter the Johto League. The way she had taken it by storm had raised eyebrows, giving rise to a host of rumours that she was going to take on other regions, or tackle the World League. Mellanie had done neither. Instead she had returned to her training, and come back to defend her crown the following year, winning again. And now she was here for the third year in a row. Her future intentions had never been made clear, as the media had struggled to get interviews with her, protection extended from her mentor. Her first major interview was planned for after this match, regardless of the outcome. But then Mellanie knew she'd win. It was what she had pushed herself to do. She'd spent the last five years pushing herself to be one of the best around.

"And facing her, hoping to end her remarkable winning streak in the Johto League, Max Maple!"

Mellanie grinned across the field as Max strode out. His glasses were gone, replaced by contact lenses which made him seem less bookish. Mellanie had watched him fight his way through the earlier rounds, but never really feared that he might be dangerous to her. His tactics were always brilliant, but she knew she could match him with hers. And her Pokémon would be better trained. Max Maple was in for a schooling.

Mellanie looked up into the stands to try to spot her mentor. He had always said that he would try to make as many of her battles as he could, but it didn't appear he was there. She sighed. Despite being his first ever student, and one of the few that knew who he was, the Pokémon Master could still be distant to her. She hadn't seen him for months now; he hadn't been at home the times she'd returned there, and he hadn't managed to make it to any of her matches.

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