I Love You

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Summary: The first time they say "I love you"
Type: short fluff (1013 words)

Third-person Pov.

They were laying awake and cuddling on Niall's bed at his apartment. Due to their careers, they didn't have much time to spend with each other, which made these moments even more special and enjoyable. Even tho they had been dating for around two months, not a lot of people knew about their relationship.

They were aware, the internet would break if they came out but their managers didn't allow it. It didn't bother them much. Sure, they wanted to hold hands every once in a while but there wasn't much to do.

They could both hear and feel each other breathing and were both dressed in some random T-shirts and comfy trousers.

Shawn had his head on Niall's chest and their legs were tangled together. Niall slowly took Shawns hand and linked their fingers together, then placed them on his chest.

With his free hand, he was rubbing Shawn's back, when Shawn slowly pulled away sat up and took off his shirt, then lifted Niall's shirt and crawled in.

They were just laying there for a couple of hours, both feeling happy and comfortable while listening to the rain that was lightly falling. Shawn tilted his head up and pecked the other lad on the lips a couple of times before laying his head back down, in the crook of Niall's neck.

The older lad leaned down and pecked his love all over his face until he got him giggling.

When Shawn stopped giggling and just smiled at Niall something clicked. Nothing was wrong before, but now it felt as if everything fell in place. At that moment Shawn looked up into Nialls eyes and for the first time, it felt like home. And then it dawned on him.

It felt like love.

But when Niall opened his mouth to say something, something that was on their mind for the last couple of minutes, Niall's phone rang.

He knew they could just blurt it out or ignore the phone. And not make this some cliché annoying story. But Shawn still pulled out of Niall's shirt and Niall hurried into the living room to answer the phone.

He looked at the phone screen to see that Louis was calling him. A little bit annoyed he answered the phone with: "Sorry Niall is dead. Can I get him to call you back?" He heard a sigh on the other end so he decided to speak again:
"What da ya want?"

"Woah what's up your ass? Is that how you talk to your mate? I just called to ask you how you are."

"Like ya but better," Niall said and then laughed at his own response while he could almost hear Louis rolling his eyes. Then Shawn quietly walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Niall. It wasn't much but for some weird reason different parts of Niall took small interest.

Niall noticed that Shawn had his shirt back up and even tho he didn't like it there wasn't much to do. Then he remembered everything happening before so he told his mate:

"Louis, not that I didn't enjoy this extremely long and interesting talk, but I gotta go and water my TV. Have fun and tell Harry me and Shawn said hi."

He almost hung up when he realized his mistake.

" Wait a minute" he heard Louis from the other line while he looked back at Shawn, who just shrugged and acted as if Niall didn't just out them to Louis (and probably Harry).

Niall was probably visibly sweating. Not that he was ashamed of Shawn or wasn't ready to tell his mates about him, hell Liam knew.

"Lmao, when you want to get rid of someone you say you have to take your fish on a walk, you dumbass"

Relief washed over Niall as he realized Louis probably didn't catch on to what he said or thought Shawn and him were just hanging out.

"Yeah, haha." Niall awkwardly and nervously laughed.

"Bye then. And tell your boyfriend Harry and I say hi back." And then the line went dead.

"What the fuck was that," Niall said out loud turning to a confused Shawn who didn't know what exactly worried Niall. It could be the fact that Louis just got to know about them.

Niall was confused himself. Did Liam tell Louis? Was Louis fine with it? Was Louis going to tell Harry? What is Louis thinking?

Shawn didn't know exactly know what to do, afraid that he might trigger Niall. But then the older lad slowly wrapped his arms around him and looked into his eyes. Shawn melted into the touch and rested his head on Niall's shoulder not dropping the gaze.

For some time they were just standing there and looking at each other lovingly, not knowing what to do next. Shawn slowly lowered his gaze and closed his eyes. Then he opened his eyes back and nervously looked at his loved one.

It felt as if it was their first time when their lips slowly connected in a kiss.

They kissed and kissed and kissed and then kissed some more. Sure, there were tongues included, but it never got more heated because shocked or not the boys never took it further than making out before.

"I love you."
"I love you too"

Simple but effective. Maybe to someone listening nothing more than some words. But to them, it was a change, a confession, and a new chapter. Maybe you think it's a little bit dramatic, but deep down we know they will remember this day for the rest of their lives.

And if Niall threw Shawn over his shoulder and then carried him to the bedroom. And if later for the first time they took it further than just making out; no one has to know.

Oh, and if Louis called them later again just to make fun out of Niall; then no one has to know either.

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