Chapter 1 (+Info)

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Edit: btw these first chapters are kinda trash, I swear it gets better!! Im working on re-writing them, but in the mean time just bear with me here TvT

A/N: first of all, thanks for clicking on my story. Y/N's abilities are based on the main character's ability in the 'omniscient reader' webtoon. This story will not have any spoilers for the webtoon nor spoilers to the mha manga. Enjoy my friends =)


"Hana, lets go"

You turned your head towards your little sister as her small foot steps ran towards you, her little bag bouncing on her back.

"Ready!" She announced with her chirpy voice and a big toothy smile.
You gave off a little smile and began walking with your bag thrown over your shoulder.

You walked with your sister along the road as you came across a pedestrial crossover.
You took your sisters hand and stopped.
"You remember what i told you right? Always stop-"

"At the red light and walk at the green, yeah I know" she seemed proud of herself as she looked up towards your face. A little smirk made its way onto your face as you began walking when the green light came on.
"Thats right" you said as you kept your grip on her hand firm to not let her go.

You arrived at her school a few minutes later.
You stood infront of the school gate and kneeled in front of your little sister.
You took grip of her backpack and tighten the straps on the side.
"You have everything? I made you sandwiches for lunch, and remember to drink water too. Behave and listen to the teachers And Tell me about the trip when I pick you up ok?"

"Okay!" She smiled and gave you a hug
"Luv u sis" you said as the hug parted.
"Love you tooooo" she yelled as she ran into the school grounds.
You sigh as you make your way towards your own school. Her school was a different place than yours so you had to walk her there and then walk to your own later on.

Hands in your pockets and bag hanging on your shoulder you arrived at your destination.
"Hey Y/N!" You turn your head knowing the familiar voice. It was one of your friends, his head gave an upwards nod as his hands stayed in his pockets. You returned the gesture and made your way towards him.
As you stood side by side the two of you made your way inside the school.

You opened the classroom door and made your way towards a little group surrounding some desks. Like you always do.
"Hey" you said as they all responded with the same. A hand lifted up to you and you quickly responded with the 'childhood friend' shake. It may seem childish but you've always done it.
His name was Arson. Yeah, I know. His name is...interesting, but you liked it that way.

His hazel eyes looked at you as he gave you a small smile. He had been your friend for as long as you could remember. There was once a time where you and Arson was three, but a conflict erupted between your trio and you split up. You and Arson made it up to each other and quickly became friends again, on the other hand your third friend moved away never to be heard from again.

The group split as the school bell rang. The teacher walked in soon after. Sitting on your chair you put your feet up on the desk ignoring the teachers glance. You didnt really have to worry about detencion and marks in your record. You had the best grades and was in the top of the class. Aside from the dilequient act you studied hard and made sure that you would get the best results. The teacher looked hesitent Thinking if he should tell you to put your feet down. You we're quite intimidating, especially when together with your group. You noticed the teachers glance. You were in a good mood, so you put your feet down and sat properly. The teacher let out a breath he didnt know he was holding and continued the lesson.

It was finally time for lunch and you and your friends quickly exited the classroom. Walking through the long hallways you made your way outside. "Wanna go to the store?" Arson asked. "Yeah, some snacks sounds good right now" you answered and together we walked towards the local mall. The rest of the group stayed behind and talked among themselves.

"Did you start watching it yet?" You asked while walking next to your friend. You were refering to the anime 'my hero academia' which was your favorite at the moment. You had finished watching it and recomended it to Arson not long ago. "No not yet, I think i'll do so in the weekend."
He answered as the two of you took a left turn and ended up walking along the sidewalk.

It was interesting really. Together with Arson you could both have weird or totally random conversations but you could also talk about deep stuff and your struggles. You felt lucky having him as your friend.

Walking along the pedestrial crossing you saw little glimses of the other side. Little kids hand in hand, following the adults in front. They had reflective vests on and looked around Hana's age. 'Wait, isnt that-'

"Big brother!"

Small feet ran across the road as you quickly turned towards the voice.
The sound of big wheels made its way into your ears as you looked to the side in horror.


[Chapter 1 end]

Please tell me if you see any mistakes in the chapter, it would help alot ^^

'omniscient reader' Bnha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now